NYU ED I Class of 2025

There are probably (note that you used probably, meaning it isn’t solid proof) some (though again, most of that range is most certainly Steinhardt and Tisch arts apps, in addition to liberal arts core). But my point is that the transcript is extremely important to NYU. It is much more difficult to get in with a weaker GPA, especially if you applying RD and to a school without an audition component (to the CAS, no less).

NYU is extremely competitive this year, with a record-breaking number (100K+) of apps. Their schools’ acceptances rates are going to be at an all-time low, and the admissions team are thus going to be even more particular about the transcripts (and ECs and essays, though to a lesser degree) than ever.

As I said before, the applicant I replied to has uniquely impressive credentials, so those may be enough to make up for the weaker GPA. However, bottom line is that GPA is VERY important for NYU, especially this year.

I have absolutely no idea if this person will be accepted because no one does I was just trying to say that they should be optimistic. I was waitlisted ED with a 3.5 UW and good ECs but nothing like what this student has. My experience doesn’t extend to everyone but I would think this person has somewhat of a chance if my 3 Bs from junior year at least got me on the waitlist. Needing aid might hurt them tho.

For most people you are probably right but there are exceptions (my daughter was one - unhooked, ACT at the 25th percentile, gpa ok but not great, course rigor ok but not great, her essays were great and helped showcase how she would add an unusual angle to the class, I am pretty sure her LOR was excellent too. ECs narrow but very deep which we do know colleges like to see.) Again - for most students you are probably right and for Stern this probably doesn’t apply - but there are going to be some students where something else makes them stand out. As long as nyu thinks their academics are good enough to cope, and they have something special or different to offer, a somewhat below average academic performance need not be a dealbreaker.

Btw - CDS is not always totally reliable - example NYU’s says something like legacy is considered, in practice it seems meaningless (well maybe if your last name is the same as one on a building, but)

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I totally agree with you. India is very competitive when it comes down to A-Level and we have to keep in mind that international students do have a different process and certain seats/place available considering the limited number of seats in the NYU itself. I believe with A-Levels a transcript with B’s and C’s isn’t that competitive.

But the way this person has established themselves in terms of extracurricular is very competative/mind blowing. Colleges want a package and this individual is sure are a package. They have proved that they can be successful. So I’m saying a 50/50 chance of getting in.

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In addition to this I belive extra-curriculars are prevelidge. Extra-Cirriculars= the circumstances. You have to have the means and resources available for you. I’m not judging someone but mearly pointing out the fact that we don’t know their story, circumstances and the essays they submitted. Holistic review and an international student admission process might play a huge role in this case. So again 50/50 chance.

I absolutely agree. And I am arguing that this applicant could very well be that exception. I think the initial commenter @usernamelol1 misinterpreted what I was trying to say. I believe that the discussed applicant has a very good chance of getting in, because his ECs are so uniquely stellar. But, in general, most people don’t have those kind of credentials, and so they will have to rely more on things like GPA an course rigor.

NYU is also unique in that if you have a particular talent, they are willing to overlook A LOT of the applicant (ex: the person I mentioned who got accepted to NYU full ride).

So yes, definitely exceptions to the rule. But NYU is looking for people who will thrive academically, particularly for Stern and CAS, and they turn to the transcript as the main indicator for that.

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Sorry for the misunderstanding!!!

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No worries! I wasn’t super articulate.

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Mine too, does anyone know what this means?

I really don’t think it means anything. I think if it starts saying “No Housing Application” it means something.

what is portal link for housing

Sadly, that change doesn’t mean anything. Mine changed too and I’m already waitlisted so I think everyone’s probably changed

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Guys. Please. Stop trying to look into all the little gimmicks to determine whether you got in or not. It is highly probable at this stage that the admissions officers haven’t even made a decision about you yet. You are only going to stress yourselves out. You will get your decision soon, and there is nothing you can do about it anymore, so I highly suggest getting some sleep and taking a break from visiting the NYU portal for a week or two. You might thank me later. :slight_smile:


Uhm the issue is that NYU might think that the published research that got reviewed by economist at World Bank and LSE graduates is full of ■■■■ because uhm they know that normal teenager can’t get those

Mine says that too! did you every figure out what it means : /

I got waitlisted