NYU ED I Class of 2025

When I click on the housing.nyu.edu link, it says spring 2021 and there is a dropdown button wheer I can select a site and the only one available is washington dc. It has always looked like this for me but I guess other people’ pages say application available. Someone says that their page says no applications because they did a summer program so if yours says no applications available then could you comment if you did a program at nyu or not. Also, could you comment if it previously said spring 2021 and just recently changed. This way, we can figure out if the changes mean likely acceptance or not.

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Yeah I did a summer program in 2019 that’s probably it!

ok that makes sense then

Nope it never said Spring 2021 it’s said ‘No Applications Available’ for weeks. So it must be because I did a summer program there and previously had housing.

In 2018 NYU released ED1 results on a Saturday lol

oop i was always told colleges try to refrain from releasing admissions decisions on days that admissions offices are closed but tbh it wouldn’t surprise me if nyu released on a Friday this year – anything is possible in 2020!

I think it released on Thursday Dec 13th! At least that’s what it says on the nyu admissions twitter page:)
We anticipate that all admission decisions will be available the afternoon of December 13th. You will be emailed with instructions on how to retrieve your decision once released.

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omg where does it say that i don’t see it

that’s from previous years not this year :frowning: nyu always tweets a few hours before they release apps, never rly more than a day in advance

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oh that was for 2018 not this year

Do you guys think we’ll be getting an email tomorrow with the date and time of releases?

i hope so!!! i rly hope they release on 12/10. has anyone called AO recently?

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I really hope so! But remember last year when they didn’t say ANYTHING about the releasing date:( (Also Anklis I saw this exact same username on the guess my admission thing LMAOAOA)

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omg that website has consumed me for weeks :sob: lmao do you think I’m getting in?

i cant believe this is the week (possibly) that everything might change time has flown so fast


i’m so ready to be done stressing out ahhhh if results don’t come out this week idk what i’ll do- i can’t wait another week!!!

bruh same i feel like this week is gonna go by so slow and i dont wanna wait another one ugh

In the years past there was the housing portal glitch thing and some other stuff that people thought were indicators of acceptance. Has there been nothing like that this year?

I haven’t seen any change mine still says wash dc spring 2021

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I think i put accept for all of yours!! So yes! I think you have great chance of getting innn