NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

what school did you apply too at NYU?

My checklist is gone too. Applied to Tisch.

has the application checklist being gone been an indicator in previous years?

My checklist isn’t gone, I applied to CAS


My checklist is gone, withdraw application disabled, applied to CAS

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CAS, mine is still there


applied to CAS as well, still have everything!

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Applied to CAS, mine is still there

Typically, the checklist going away is sign of decision release soon. From what I have seen, it usually occurs day of decision release, maybe the day before, and appears to not occur all at once, if you look at previous year threads. But eventually, the checklist goes away for everybody. So, it seems odd that checklists are disappearing today when we expect decision day to be 3/31 or 4/1. People have tried to interpret the disappearance of the checklist along with several other factors to interpret things - I won’t get into that. The odd thing is on the NYU Instagram takeover today, in answer to a question, the response was decision day is 4/1. (of course, it was a student answering, so maybe they don’t know)

That being said - my daughter applied to CAS and her checklist was gone when she checked at least 4 hours ago. It was there yesterday.

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do you have any info about tandon? comp sci specifically thank u sm for the help

Same here, I applied to CAS and my checklist isn’t gone

The student I’m referring to applied to Stern.

Checklist gone

Housing shows Summer 2022 w/ New York and Abu Dhabi in the drop-down menu

Anyone crack the code yet? :joy::joy::joy:


My checklist is still there and housing still has just Summer 2022. No buttons disappeared. I applied to Tisch.

My Albert access says this

I’ve found the same thing on mine but I still have my checklist and both buttons. Weird.

Does this show when you log into NYU albert or somewhere else?

okay form the looks of it people who applied to CAS still have their checklist and buttons, so I think they might be changing stuff school to school or something like that

My D applied to CAS and her checklist has been gone since she checked after seeing the note this afternoon around 3:00.

isn’t this just what comes up when you search “nyu admitted students?” or are you accessing this from your albert login somehow?