NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

what does it mean if our checklist is still there?

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I attended the NYUAD Candidate Weekend. Checklist has already disappeared for some people

My daughter applied to CAS and still has both buttons and only summer housing. Based on previous years, I am expecting decisions to come out 3/29 or 3/30 ā€¦ I guess we will see soon!

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I called NYUAD and they told me they will release their decision on April 1.


from the looks of it cas applicants havenā€™t been changing as much as tish and tandon applicants I wouldnā€™t worry yet!

I have a 8 digit student ID number on the Bursar site. Can everyone access theirs?

yup i can

I applied to stern and mine is goneā€¦

What about your housing portal?

i applied to steinhardt. no changes with the checklist. housing still shows both summer and academic housing but i can only click on summer.

I can see housing for New York and Abu Dhabi

Do we know if decisions for each individual school all come out at once, or are they released on separate days?

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they come out the same day but schools might input things into the system on different days thatā€™s why certain students portals are changing and others arenā€™t

Do schools input things throughout the days or only on one day. I applied NYUAD and some of people have already got the signs. I am so stress out.

But we have had people with Tisch, Stern, CAS and Abu Dhabi all say their portal has changed. I think Steinhardt was the only school mentioned with only one report of no change. The others we havenā€™t heard from. CAS there were more reports of no change than changed, but still multiple reports of change. So, Iā€™m still stumped. All other indicators are still that 4/1 is release day.

My S applied to Steinhardt and his Checklist has disappeared since yesterday afternoon. He did NYU summer program in the past so housing portal changes every now and then and at the moment he has summer+ Academic year(waitlist)

I applied to CAS and nothing has changed yet, hoping thatā€™s not an indicator

Same, CAS and nothing changed

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I donā€™t think any of these are indicators of any kind, my guess is that NYU will soon announce a release date

My daughter applied to Steinhardt and her checklist is gone. Housing still says Summer but now Abu Dhabi is an option as well as New York. No other changes. NYU is a big reach for her so I doubt weā€™ll see any indicators and sheā€™s not chomping at the bit to find out either.