NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026


Good luck to you. He is not interested anymore since he got into two of his target schools. My hope is to keep him close to homeā€¦

When I open SAP, below that message, I see the box with ā€˜Aid Year 2022 SAP Undetermined.ā€™

Anyone else see the same?

thatā€™s what I see

can u share a spreadsheets of results too :sob:


iā€™m impressed by your dedication lmao

the larger the sample size the better :3

yup def

This is what it says for me when I open SAP. When I click it is not enabled so my SAP is ok.

Is this for financial aid? I did not ask for any aid so I am not sure what this is for. Thanks!

its giving me ap stas, i hate that class


I hate that class with a burning passion

canā€™t wait to just put high school behind us.

same, its more words than math, i lowkey miss calc

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I think itā€™s for financial aid but Iā€™m not sure. All I know is that some people can see the page and others show error

Yes maybe for few months then the grind starts again ā€¦

I didnā€™t apply for fa, still can access the page.

Did you apply for aid? I did and I can only see the error message.

I didnā€™t

yeah but then weā€™re gonna be in classes we actually enjoy instead of useless classes weā€™re required to take to graduate

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Tandon applicant here. Didnā€™t submit FAFSA but I can see my SAP without error.