NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Luckily (for those who have summer only) the notion that 1 button means the decision has been made has been proven to be false. @kyra_shih posted this morning that they had 1 button last night & summer only. But 7 hours later this morning they had summer & academic year. I believe that changes could and are still being made. In previous years there was always a bad word associated with rejection, like “spring” in 2024, “Washington DC” or “spring” in 2025. In 2026 the bad word could be “summer” (alone) or it could be how many buttons you have. In ED there wasn’t a lot of info but those rejected had 2 buttons up until right before decisions. Others switched to one button about 4/5 days before decisions & many of those were accepted. If “summer” turns out to be the “bad” word for 2026 then its complicated because it’s a word most/all have in their housing and will only prove to be bad once all decisions are uploaded which hasn’t happened yet. Many in the past reported portal changes up until decision time so it is a wait and see. So please don’t think if you have summer only it is over. I bet lots of changes will take place Monday & Tuesday. But I do agree that those who show “academic year” should feel pretty pleased with that!! For 2025 RD those who had summer only or summer plus academic year were accepted. / Does everyone have 1 button now or do some have 2 or none?

Only have one button right now I believe most do. Another thing, today is a Sunday so possibly people aren’t working right now to make updates to our apps and such. Changes have been seen be made up until decision day so lets all just watch closely :slight_smile:


from the looks of it summer alone is the majority at the moment while having all three is the minority! but again let’s remember that all this is speculation and means almost nothing, DO NOT STRESS ABOUT IT !!

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Can you add School to your poll?

about 13% of the responses are Summer + Academic Year, interesting (not trying to freak anyone out, just thought it might be an interesting detail)

but at the same time having all 3 is the minority I believe

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true, but last year all 3 was a sign of waitlist, so i’m pretty glad i don’t have all 3 haha. easily could be different this year, but spring hasn’t been the best indicator for RD students in the past few years.

Ok what does that exactly mean?
Like this? This is what I have? Plus an active summer app link but no active academic link.

that looks like the standard screen for those who only have Summer 2022 visible on their main housing portal.

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Didn’t a few people with spring get in last year? Or maybe I misremembered.

scrolling through the thread, I didn’t see a single person with spring get in last year. but this year seems to be different, so i’m not sure.

herm even with the 13% I still don’t think it’s an indicator of anything tbh. This whole chat doesn’t make up even 20% of the applicants so yeah


tru tru. my guess rn is that Summer + Academic Year is a likely acceptance, just Summer is a maybe, and tbh not rly sure about all 3.

Mostly people who had summer + spring had also enrolled for summer program at NYU

yup so it’s hard to say if any of this is an indicator there are to many factors to consider

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And there are certain schools within NYU (like music) who in the past would upload their results sooner than say Stern or Engineering. That would also impact how the portal was updated


I updated it with School and campus!

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I deleted all the original responses so pls retake if u want lmao

I agree, and it is quite weird that many has summer only this year. Iirc, summer only was a minority during last cycle. Maybe we will see major changes in following days.


Post #487 @blimpie1892 stated: “i got into nyuad, and all of us who had spring got in.”