NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

mmh who knows it could be way off and it actually means absolutely nothing this year lmaoo

Yeah so we shouldn’t worry or jump to conclusions before seeing our letters

i honestly don’t think it means nothing. it has meant something for years now so. but it could easily mean something unclear, so just keep up confidence.

what terms can everyone select for deposits in NYU housing payments? I have the choice to select fall summer and spring 2022


are you applying to AD? i’ve only seen fall for AD applicants.

no just nyc

We are almost at the finish line and we should stop stressing about this stuff! nyu is my dream school, but I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. If we get in or get rejected it’s all going to be okay, life goes on and I’m sure that a lot of us have gotten into some pretty good schools where we would be lucky to go. Stop stressing about random housing changes, and try to enjoy the rest of the weekend LMAOO


o wait i think you’re on a different page from what I’m thinking.

wait so for you it doesn’t show fall but the academic year? im just confused because the entire time i thought you meant it shows you fall too

CAS has below 10% acceptance rate tho so it kinda makes sense

true it is so difficult to stop stressing hahah. personally i feel like stuff happens for absolutely no reason all the time, but we just gotta roll with the punches and take what life gives us, ya know?

Out of 32 responses there was only one Gallatin. Are there any other Gallatin applicants?

While in MOST cases it has meant something, there have also been times where people with different ones have gotten in, especially last year so we should stop looking into it as much as we are. Sometimes it’s correct and sometimes it’s wayyy off.

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i agree it can be off lol, but last year was actually pretty spot on, it just wasn’t predicted well. summer and summer + academic year got in last year, while anyone with spring was rejected (Regular Decision NY Campus)

my pov and what keeps me from not loosing my mind when something doesn’t go my way, is thinking about how everything that happens shapes me into a new person, and it influences my future yk lmaoo idk if that makes sense


mhm, i wouldn’t be the person i am today without all of the bad stuff that happened to me lol. i guess i could be something better, or something worse, but it wouldn’t quite be the me i know!

wow y’all made a spreadsheet for this lmaooo

Did all people with summer got in or just some of them?
