NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I applied as a Civil Engineer so fingers cross

I have it, but I have always had it so I am very confused

even before the 2 buttons?

praying for everyone fr. hope we all get good news


When did yours change? Mine changed within the last hour or so. I think I last checked around 6. Fingers crossed for us

I noticed Friday it changed so its pretty much confirmed its coming out in rounds/rolls??


my guess would be that everyone that has summer housing + academic year by right before the decision comes is a likely acceptance. still not sure tho.


i did

Im nervous I just hope we all get inā€¦ this year admissions have been so hardā€¦


Does you Academic year says ā€œWaitlist Undergraduateā€. Mine has 2 tabs Summer and Academic Year and states ā€œwaitlist undergraduateā€. Not sure what to make out of it.

thatā€™s what all of them say

(itā€™s a housing waitlist, not an admissions waitlist)

Thats the norm, youā€™re good

Ok thanks. I hope, it is a good sign. NYU is on top of my list.

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i think that they are also doing it by majors because in this gc those with the same majors are changing around the same time while other majors all have one thing


thatā€™s true, i did see that as a pattern. makes sense that theyā€™d start with a big major like CS.


but then again we dont exactly have a large sample to go off of, so it is all just theories right now

no I dont remember when it changed from summer to summer + academic but I noticed last week ofc

Yours has changed from summer now?

Yeah they said like an hour ago I believe