NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I used to not be able to access this yesterday. Before it would give me an error but now I’m allowed to access the housing application. I still have Summer only. The two tabs were auto-favorited

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Yes. Do you have summer/academic or just summer? What school/major?

Yes, but I think it’s like that for everyone


That was the same for me before housing portal crash last night.

oh really? What do you see now?

cas, pre-law track

Same thing as you but I now have summer/academic year on other screen (with photos). In class right now so can’t screen shot


why did my major disappear from my app page? should I be worried

do you have academic year on the other portal thing?

Yes and still have summer too

same, hoping it’s good lol

Pretty sure everyone’s did

I know stats aren’t everything but according to the common data set for NYU the “most important” is rigor, class rank, GPA & ACT/SAT scores (and talent). Maybe the ones who have academic year already are the top picks & were loaded first and others were in the middle or bottom & will be loaded at the end while NYU checks to see if anyone has withdrawn who was in their top picks list? Those who have academic year:

How many AP/honors/dual enrollment
Class Rank
ACT/SAT score

can everyone access when clicking confirm your enrollment: Admitted Students

apparently it’s a few hours before decisions, so maybe like 3-4 hrs before

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My kid has summer only:

7 (more than offered at small school)
4.0 UW
34 ACT

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That’s a new theory but sounds plausible.

7 APs
All honors where AP wasn’t offered
Rank 1 of 180
SAT 1510

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