NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

guys I feel like summer onlys think that summer + academic ppl believe they got in which is not the case. There doesn’t seem to be any conclusive data here. Realistically everyone here as the same amount of chances to get in (obviously depending on your application), and housing is just something all of us want to fill in the void of not having a decision yet. With that being said good luck to everyone. Tomorrow might determine where we go for the next 4 years of our lives. Im praying for all of u <3


Nicholas Deieso is just trying to convince himself that summer+academic means something just because he has it. Literally no point in trying to bring this up in order to make other people scared.


i agree. only “indicator” is the ur portal has updated click this link to view.



I think that @Nicholas_Deieso was just posting past indicators and in no way stated that summer is a rejection. I think we are all freaking stressed out of our minds and it’s really important to stay kind to one another.


look, i’m sorry, i never meant to say that it was an absolute or was trying to scare people. we’ve been talking about what we think about the indicators for days now and commenting on what we think based on what we know. everyone here, including myself, are super anxious, and we all just wanna make some sense of the situation for some closure.


thank ya, i rly wasn’t trying to attack anyone. i’m sorry, i know this is really scary, but please, i was just giving my part to what i thought all of this crazy info might mean. and i didn’t even say that summer is a rejection or bad, just that it makes sense to me that summer+academic could be a good sign. every person here is i’m sure incredible, and i think all of you deserve to get in.


I get:

Unfortunately, this event is only for admitted students. If you believe you are receiving this message in error, please contact us at admissions.ops@nyu.edu.

Anyone else get something diff?

same thing happened to me for Berkeley (I didn’t get in)…

I’ve been trying to point this out a few days ago, but it’s a futile effort. Just carry on with your life and don’t let these portal astrology theories ruin your day. Most of the time, they amount to nothing, just like they did yesterday with Vanderbilt.

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Same here

If I don’t get into NYU, should I go to UCSD or Wisconsin?

for what major? also are you a california resident?

No clue and no.

did you get in for a specific major or just undeclared?

For me, it says deadline passed for the registration

Undeclared. We need a poll feature on this site. (Anything to distract us from portal astrology for the next 21 hours.)

well since you’re not from california it’s oos tuition at both universities. Both are great universities, but I think UCSD is better in more aspects than UW. I would personally choose UCSD because location is better(beaches and good weather), more internship opportunities(SD vs Madison, Wisconsin), and the fact that UCSD is world known for their STEM majors. UW also has a great comp sci major but UCSD also excels in this. UW will have more school spirit with sports and such because they have great D1 sports programs(UCSDs is more like a fake D1 school, feels more like D2)

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Right now none of us are technically “admitted students” so that makes sense.

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