NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

oh ok i was just wondering

honestly thought stern would be a hard target at best. 1560 SAT, solid ECs, 3,9 GPA


stern is a reach school for everyone…

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I would not count anything out with those amazing numbers!!

has anyone tried viewing their application status on the albert page

What did yours say?

i didnt click it cause it says if you click the above link, you will accept the offer if provided

But you had a link?


Wait, what?

that is awesome!!! That must be great news for you!! Can you send a screen shot of it?

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wait u have a button above the text?

i now lost all my buttons. still summer only

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So it seems like the buttons are just disappearing in waves

yup so I don’t think button means anything I think everyone’s buttons will disappear at the the end of the day


do you have the personal info update button on ur portal?

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Guys, the buttons disappearing do not matter. The two buttons on your status page mean nothing. Reminder, each school processes their data at their own time so don’t worry!!


can you send a screeenshot

does this mean I’m rejected?