NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

no one that I’ve talked to so far , so I think it just may be unavailable to everyone

okay then it probably doesn’t mean anything lol

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didn’t apply and a weird error message comes out

So, we have done countless hours of research trying to figure out what all of these various signs mean and we have absolutely nothing conclusive at this point.

NYU is punking us! We will know soon enough. Good luck everyone!


Tisch. No button - summer only

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I see "the registrarion for this event has passed, academic year + summer, no button

So no button no withdraw no checklist no 4/1. Summer only ?

No button, summer only


No checklist. No withdraw. No 4/1.

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what happens when you guys click on the SAP report under FA on albert

Seriously. I don’t think it’s good to be in system clicking around when they are updating. It’s just a little longer and at end of day they will probably still release in waves and the ever changing portal astrology isn’t going to be reliable


If you applied for aid there would be an error message, if you didn’t then it should be something else.

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How did some get into 2019 events? I only see 2022 ones. :face_exhaling:

same the decisions are gonna start coming out in less than 3 hours, we should just let them do their thing, if we keep logging in and out all at once, we may crash their site


Will there be a separate email from NYU when our decision is released (since they are released in waves as some people here mentioned)?

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Yes. Other schools have certainly done that. With 100K applications if they didn’t do that the system would probably crash!

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Last year, our twins applied together as did a friend of theirs. Of the three, one of their portals allowed them to see the Admitrted Student page that said “Congratulations”…she was the only one admitted. Fingers crossed for you that it’s the same. For her it’s was a purple banner and Welcome to Tisch. Something like that.

No buttons and summer

Does anyone have the link to the admitted student page?
