<p>Does NYU frown upon students that have spent some of their high school years in an independent study program.Is it considered to be not as respectable or is all that matters the diploma that was given by a regular school?Transfered from the independent study program to a regular school.</p>
<p>If you look at it from the point that NYU actually has an independent study school, Galatin, I doubt they'd see it as a bad thing. What's important is that you've done well, shown that you can focus, all the things that are expected of other applicants.</p>
<p>o i see,thanks for the info,anyone else have opinions/experiences?</p>
<p>Gallatin is not an "independent study" school. It is an individualized major school. Most all classes are taken in a group setting with the exception of private lessons, if one is pursuing those.</p>
<p>I may have misunderstood the question, but I did an independent study in music composition this past year and got accepted at NYU. I know this is just one case, but I don't know why there would be any reason for a college to frown upon an independent studies program..</p>
<p>Listen to someone with more meaningful input before you listen to me =)</p>