I’m attending the NYU gstem summer program this summer. It’s 6 weeks long, $2750, the first week is lectures and stuff and then after that you work with a mentor and have a research internship for 4.5 weeks and at the end you present to your mentors, friends, family etc. each friday there are excursions for the girls in the program to see different scientific sites in the city. It seems really awesome and fun but im not sure how much weight it will hold on college apps because it is a paid program, im not getting paid. And its relatively new so i dont know if its highly selective or really prestigious? Does anyone know if it’s prestigious ? Anyone else doing it this summer?

I got accepted to the program as well and I heard that once you pick the research you want to go into, I think you get assigned to a university to work on it, not sure if it’s true though.

I’m looking into nyu’s gstem program for this summer and I was just wondering what it’s like, how selective it is, and how it looks on an app? I can’t find information about it anywhere…