<p>Today I found out my housing assignment. I got Rubin Hall, my first choice, for dorming, but only because I want low cost triple. I didnt get it. Instead, I got a double suite with someone else. I'm not too down about it, but I wanted to save my parents some money. With low cost triple, you can save almost $3000 more(which I could use to pay for my meal plan and laptop). I guess it didnt turn out the way I wanted to :/ </p>
<p>How did the housing process work? I suppose you cant get what you always request. Is there still a possibility to request a change?</p>
<p>You should immediately put in a request for a change. However, I doubt they will do much until this first round of assignments is taken care of. Then there might be a chance (very slim, I think) that they will re-assign you later in the summer, if there are openings. But I think the likelihood is that you will be put on a waitlist for room change which they (Housing) will consider after the first three weeks of school when they would then have taken a final inventory of rooms available and where.</p>
<p>You can submit a room/ dorm change request, if you do not mind possibly moving three weeks into the semester or a little later, and if there would even be triples available in Rubin.</p>
<p>My suspicion is that many have requested Rubin triples based on the low cost option, which is the one type of dorm room offering a substantial saving over the other dorm options.</p>
<p>Correction ^, second paragraph, “”…if you do not mind possibly moving AGAIN three weeks into the semester…"</p>
<p>I heard a lot of people didn’t get the housing they wanted, I’m sorry 
But I guess since so many people are unhappy with what they got, they’re all going to be sending in requests for change. Hopefully NYU’ll accommodate them. :)</p>
<p>Keep in mind that when you put down housing choices, it means any of the choices in your list could be assigned to you, even if it is the last choice. So, students beware.</p>
<p>My son was assigned to Rubin Hall lost cost triplet room(the 7th choice).I just didn’t know how they match and if most of us didn’t get what we wanted,why we had to choice in the first place! I though kids went to university for studying and maybe in NYU,straggler to live is part of the education.We like to change for air conditional room for any Hall(double will be better) before 27th,August.Thank you!</p>
<p>But in the NYU Housing preference form you have to rank all possible housing options in order of preference and by that logic you can just be assigned any housing at all. Right? :/</p>
<p>arwen23, Yes, you can be assigned to ANY of your stated choices on the Housing app, even if it is your last choice (if I understand you correctly). </p>
<p>Unfortunately, you have to list so many choices. That means that you can get just about anything and it appears that NYU’s job is easier because they can juggle people around much easier.</p>
<p>Though I notice this year a number of people reporting here got their last choice, which, of course, makes for a lot of very unhappy people. Especially if the individuals were not expecting NYU to go so far down their list of choices. :)</p>
<p>I think gary8890 is smart to try to get an exchange “privately” through this forum (or other communications channels), IF this is allowed by NYU Housing. Just check on NYU procedures. Never know when NYU hits you with another one of their “Don’ts.” Though it makes sense to me to be able to make an exchange based on mutual consent of the parties involved.</p>