NYU Mail

<p>For those of you who recently auditioned for NYU and haven’t heard yet - are you getting lots of mail from NYU? I’m getting at least one promotional newsletter from the admissions office every week and every time my heart stops because I think it is THE letter. But, it’s just general mailings from admissions. Just want to know if the same thing is happening to you.</p>

<p>You can relax and know it will not be THE letter. THE letter comes around April 1. Anything you open now is not gonna be it.</p>

<p>I think once you visit the campus of or audition for any college, they begin to bombard you promotional brochures/info/viewbooks. They know they have your interest and they want to keep it.
Every time you look at the mail, you just have tell yourself, “There’s no way that’s THE letter.”</p>

<p>hey i auditioned at for tisch in January and i was jsut thinking the same thing. Every week something new comes… but not the letter until like april { hopefully good news}} It would stink to get all of these brochures about how great nyu is and then be rejected.haha… anyway best of luck to ya! fingers crossed:)</p>

<p>My Daughter received a lot of mail from NYU after her audition and she was accepted. So I think its a good sign!</p>

<p>No offense to anyone, but I think that colleges and universities send a lot of mail (brochures, literature, etc.) to everyone who has applied and I do not think anyone should take that mail as a sign that they got in or did not get in. It’s a sign that you are on the college’s mail distribution list, and that’s about it! :)</p>

<p>I completely agree with NMR!! Every applicant receives these mailings. Please do not read any “sign” into them. Once you have applied to a college (and often before you have even applied!), colleges want to market themselves to you so that you will consider enrolling should you get accepted. It is a little late to start wooing you after April 1. They want you fresh in their minds now as you consider various acceptances that roll in.</p>

<p>That said, I hope everyone on this list who has auditioned at NYU gets in, mail or no mail! Just don’t take a bunch of brochures as a sign of one thing or another.</p>

<p>All the brochures from NYU look the same. They spend the most on mailing from what I can see. Looking in my files, Ithaca spends the least. I think most are saving $ and presuming you look at the web site. I actually cringe at the amount of stuff NYU sends. Best PR piece - the plaid boxer shorts shaped promo from Carnegie!</p>

<p>I loved the plaid boxer one too!! Hey, I was wondering, does anybody know when we’re actually supposed to hear back for regular decision? I feel like they said the end of March at the audition, but I can’t remember for sure anymore.</p>

<p>Apparently, NYU has already begun to send out these special “accepted students” invitations to those in certain programs. Most will be mailed in mid-March, but apparently, if you receive one of these, you’re in! If not, the website says that that does not necessarily mean that you’re not in. Someone posted this info on the NYU main forum and I also looked it up on the NYU undergraduate admissions page-- <a href=“http://admissions.nyu.edu/[/url]”>Undergraduate Admissions; Official letters will be mailed during the last week of March.</p>

<p>I have a question… how do they decide who is invited to the events? Also does anyone know how many people are invited… thanks!</p>

<p>I think every person who is accepted is invited to the “accepted students info sessions.” Therefore, if they accept say 4500 people, they are inviting 4500 people to the info sessions (not all at the same time of course; each school has their own info session(s) and they’re each on different days.)</p>

<p>4500 for the whole NYU school not tisch right?</p>

<p>No, not every kid who will be accepted is invited to the special event, which is usually called something like “Saturday in the Square.” NYU/Tisch invites a certain percentage of the accepted kids to this event. I remember that last year, my kid got her invitation on March 13 and she did not get the real, honest-to-goodness acceptance letter and financial aid offer for a few weeks after that. And it was another week or so after the acceptance letter came that her studio assignment was emailed to her.</p>

<p>If you don’t get invited to the special event, do not assume you are not in.</p>

<p>They certainly do not invite 4500 to this event. No way.</p>

<p>NMR is right, not everyone is invited to these events. The purpose of these events is to convince NYU’s ‘top’ applicants to accept the offer that will be arriving around April 1.</p>

<p>Yes, the invitation is a way to “kindly predispose” the kids who are invited to accept the acceptance that is on its way. </p>

<p>I highly recommend attending the event, especially if you have not toured the campus previously. It’s a great opportunity to look around (see some of the dorms) and to meet other students and their families who have been accepted/will be accepted.</p>

<p>oh ok i understand better now… Im hoping i get an invitation just to ease my mind so I wont have to wait. haha. but im sure everyone wants one. Thanks for the information:)</p>

<p>Has anyone received an invitation yet? We are on pins and needles here…</p>

<p>I just spoke to an admissions representative and he said he was not sure if they were doing the Saturday in the Square event this year- does anyone know anything more?</p>