<p>i'm actually doing this for a friend. she's interested in majoring in communications. she's torn between nyu and emerson. her parents are pushing her to go to NYU because it's more prestigious. she wants to go to emerson, as it specializes in what she wants to major in and has a campus/sense of community (her words, i don't know i don't know much about either school). I would appreciate it if you could give me your honest thoughts.. this is someone's future on the line.</p>
<p>If she wants to go to Emerson, she should go to Emerson. She'll be at her school for four years, so it best be somewhere she feels happy.</p>
<p>Yeah I'd pick Emerson to. Emerson is fantastic for communications, and I th ink your friend already knows what to do, the thing is if her parents will allow her too.</p>