NYU or Rutgers (transfer)

<p>I'm a premed transfer student and can't decide between Rutgers and NYU. At my previous school, I APed out of gen bio and took genetics. However, if I go to NYU, they say I'd have to take bio again. I was planning on taking orgo this coming year, but that means if I go to NYU, I'd have to take both gen bio and organic chem and I've heard NYU gen bio is really hard. If I go to Rutgers, I'd prob be in the honors program and I'll be able to skip gen bio and only take orgo. However, I've always wanted to go to NYU and the price range is about 13000 more expensive. But then again, I don't mind going to Rutgers at all. Do you guys think NYU Gen bio and Organic chem are manageable with having a life/ meeting new people? I'll be aiming to get about A-s in both classes.</p>

<p>Rutgers. Don’t come here if it’s saddling you with debt and forcing you to repeat coursework when you have an honors program + lower cost of attendance at another school.</p>

<p>As far as Rutgers vs NYU, I don’t really know, but I’m taking both Bio and Orgo in the fall and I fully intend to have a life and hopefully get good grades in the classes. I think its possible, you would just need to budget your time well.</p>

<p>I have a friend at Rutgers who recently got his bill for next year - $21,000/yr for a commuter student. On-campus students are now at $29,000/yr. (Neither of these prices include meal plans, etc.) Rutgers also is worse with FA than NYU. e.g. you won’t usually qualify for grants, etc. that you would at NYU. So… Consider that when you decide. (For example, at the new on-campus cost of Rutgers, with scholarship here at NYU, I pay equal cost for tuition + room & board as I would have paid at Rutgers).</p>

<p>Really? On the site Rutgers admission site it says $23,466 for an instate student. I still can’t decide between the two schools but if it’s about the same price NYU might be the better option because of it’s better reputation.</p>

<p>Btw, just wondering, how is NYU in terms of summer research and summer job opportunities? I know NYU offers a lot of networking and would that make it easier for me to find a research position or a volunteering position at a clinic or hospital for the summer than if I attend Rutgers?</p>

<p>Okay first of, I’ve been to Rutgers like twenty time (so I sort of find it annoying now) and compared to NYU, NYU is a better school in terms of job opportunities and summer research. First of, its in NYC so of course you have like all the opportunities in the world there. But Rutgers is okay in that department too. If your worried about pay, both are great schools and pick the one that gives you the most money. You don’t want to go to NYU and come out twenty or more thousand in debt. </p>

<p>At Rutgers if your thinking about working at a hospital, my brother is doing that (he’s going to Rutgers) and I think Rutgers has a relationship with UMDNJ which has a relationship with Robert Wood Medical so you can volunteer there during the summer but still if you go to NYU than you would get the same kinhd of opportunity.</p>

<p>Really I’d pick NYU hands down but again if NYU doesn’t give you any money then don’t. Good luck :)</p>

<p>If NYU doesn’t give you money don’t go. It doesn’t make sense to pay to repeat classes, that’s ridiculous!</p>