<p>I went to NYU Poly’s open house today and it seems like a very nice school, and now I’m even more inclined to apply. I got a Dean’s application in the mail a few weeks ago, so it’s not as if I’m wasting any money applying, even if I don’t end up going there. The only thing is that I really couldn’t afford to go there with the high cost unless I got a significant amount of merit based aid. It’s quite an expensive school. I know someone on the front page mentioned that they had a significant amount, so I was wondering if they or anyone else could give me a rough estimate based on the following?</p>
<p>104 weighted GPA, 93 unweighted.
SAT - 2170 superscored: 710 Math, 720 Reading, 740 Writing.
SAT IIs - 780 Math II, 750 Chem
Challenging senior schedule (AP Physics B [we don’t have C], Calc BC, English Lit, Statistics, Syracuse Univ. Project Adv. Public Policy and Psych)
Other AP courses and exams (Chem: 5, English Lang: 5, Comp Sci AB: 5, US Hist: 4)
Other courses offered by colleges (some 3-credit business comp sci course from a SUNY school in VB)</p>
<p>I never actually took Comp Sci AB as a course. I was in an introductory Java class in my sophomore year, and heard that collegeboard was discontinuing it due to a lack of interest. Since I didn’t want to get stuck with just A, I made a note to read through the Barron’s review book and do a few practice problems and took the exam then. Ironically I did much better than anyone actually in the class. Then again, I’ve also been programming since I was 13 in PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, C# and VB.NET.</p>
<p>As for extracurricular things…well, I’m the president of the computer club and I participate in a college’s programming competition every year, but it’s a team thing so a lack of skilled teammates limits my ability to win (though we do significantly better than the majority). I joined my school’s Math club and Model Congress this year, but that’s about it really. Was never very social until last year.</p>
<p>I’m planning on taking the SATs one more time to try to get my Math score up. I’m actually really very good at Math, but the first time I was a little unprepared, and the second, I accidentally left 8 M/C blank without realizing until time had been called which just tanked my score. Also taking the ACTs later this month.</p>