NYU Stern Transfer

<p>I am a freshman at the University of Miami.</p>

<p>These are my statistics</p>

<p>High School GPA 4.0
IGCSE Grades - 6A* and 2 A's
AS Level - 4 B's
SAT 1850</p>

<p>Major - International Finance and Marketing
College GPA - 3.8
EC's - Entrepeneurship Club
American Marketing Association
Rotaract International
Amnesty International
Jujitsu Club
Concerts Club
Ethics Society
Make a Wish University of Miami
Duke of Edinburgh International Award Silver Certificate</p>

<p>I am hoping for a Sophomore transfer, but that means that I will be unable to complete the Managerial Accounting, Statistics and Calc requirements because I simply haven't completed the prerequisites to be eligible to take those courses.</p>

<p>What do you think?</p>

<p>I am also applying to Northeastern, U of Chicago, U of Washington, Boston University and University of Southern California. ( I don't want to spend another year in Miami, AT ALL!)</p>


<p>no responses yet…</p>

<p>Miami is nice. And Bronbron just arrived.</p>