<p>Would attending the NYU summer program give me a leg up in the admissions process when I do apply to the university?</p>
<p>It is quite expensive and although it would be a great learning experience, I don't think it would be worth all the money unless it helped me with gaining admission.</p>
<p>it would help if you do well and get a professor recommendation. If you plan on applying, you better do so soon.</p>
<p>and when you apply for college it will show them youre already invested in their school</p>
<p>I did the NYU summer program in 2005, one class in Sociology. I was arguably the best student in the class but I got an A-. The teacher was nice but I didn't ask her for a recommendation. I enjoyed the class mainly because my girlfriend took it with me and we could do something in the city everyday after our morning class. Yes, it was expensive, but it gets you college credit.</p>
<p>My girlfriend has probably been accepted to NYU because she received the invite at the square for "outstanding students". I haven't heard anything so I probably didn't get in, although that's okay because I would have preferred to go to McGill University anyway and I have already been accepted there. My girlfriend will probably go to NYU unless she is accepted to Columbia, from where she was deferred early decision.</p>
<p>I assume it does help a little to do well in the NYU summer program, just don't look at it as a sure way of getting in, as I will probably turn out to prove.</p>
<p>i dunno if it'll get you admission. i mean, they'll know u're interested.
but the competition is still high...you can try it if you want, but i dont think it's necessary. it'll look nice, but wont be a huge factor. Cos NYU understands that it's plenty of money and there are students who cant afford it, but they are great students. so if u think about it, it'll be slightly biased. but i dunno...if you got the $$ then go ahead.</p>
<p>i was the only one with an A in my class that I took over the summer and got a rec from the professor. I am sure it helped me gain admission, but in addition I had a solid hs transcript, ECs and sat's and excellent teacher and counselor recommendation. don't expect them to take you just based on the summer course, if you have an otherwise grim hs record. If you are a borderline student, you can really prove to nyu that you can handle college level course work and at the same time show your interest to NYU. Though it was expensive, I am glad I took it because it was a good experience and I landed a good grade. If you are going to take it, make sure you do really well, top of the class.</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies guys. </p>
<p>I have one more question. Considering they really don't have any courses related to business per se and I'm planning on applying to Stern, would it make sense to take a class such as Philosophy on ethics as opposed to something like Economics or Math?</p>
<p>oh and legionaire...what is your definition of a borderline student? hehe just curious because I think i fall in the below borderline range =(</p>
<p>just b/c you're into business doesnt mean you cant take philosophy. yes, its not exactly business, but remember that colleges appreciate what they love to call the "interdisciplanary approach" i hope i spelled that right! hehe.
basically, its always a plus to be able to view one thing from many angles. you can always justify unrelatedness with this concept.
best of luck.</p>
<p>i took economic principles and a borderline student would be someone with a good academic record but low sat scores. transcript is really important, so a bad record there won't be overlooked. i applied to stern.</p>
<p>Thanks again guys.</p>
<p>Also, would a 3.4uw(soph year was bad) GPA automatically take me out of consideration for highly competetive institution like Stern. Assuming, my sat scores are in the 2200+ range(maybe 2300+?), I have interesting EC's such as a job with Goldman Sachs and lots of music oriented things, and my recommendations/essays are all great......do I still have a chance? =)</p>
<p>Sorry for turning this into another "What are my chances" thread guys...hehe I know you guys have seen enough of those.</p>
<p>i wouldnt think that gpa would take you out. it may not be as high as some stern applicants, but it isnt bad. plus if you have high sats and good ecs, like you say you do, you should definitely have a shot, IMO</p>