NYU Tandon School of Engineering

How good is Tandon compared to other colleges such as: UT Austin, Purdue, UW Madison, NC State? Also, how hard is it to get in?

UW Madison is a notch above for Chem E. In generic terms for Engineering, UT Austin, Purdue and UW Madison would rank higher than NYU. NYU is very expensive and gives less financial aid than the others on your list. In some ways, this makes it easier to get into NYU. You can get a better idea of your chances if you post your GPA, ACT/.SAT and other details.

@JonathanK I have a question about major. So I applied ED for NYU Tandon, and I chose Undeclared in Engineering as my “intended major.” Would doing so hurt my chance of getting in?

SAT-1500 790 Math, 710 EBR&W
GPA- 3.3UW, 4.05 W
International student, not applying for financial aid

@imsiaocong Undeclared in Engineering won’t hurt your chances per-se. Although giving them some hint (through their questions) would be good, so that they don’t assume that you actually want the most competitive major and assess you for that.

@dr88888888 . You’ve got a shot at NYU.

Thank you