NYU track walk on

Also uchicagos guaranteed walk on is a 40 foot 9 inch in triple jump would there be enough variation to the point where I wouldn’t make the nyu team

Again, I think it’s likely that most D3 coaches would welcome you to the team, assuming no headcount issues and the coaching and facility bandwidth is available. But I don’t think there’s any guarantee.

I think you’ll have a better sense after you’re admitted to a range of schools and have a chance to discuss this with the coaches. You should have plenty of time to do that before deciding where to attend, and you’ll likely have better marks by then.

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I have some relevant info for NYU. As noted, Tyler Deck Shipley is the new head coach, after Thompson quit/was fired (?) abruptly in October, 2022. That happened very fast and the details are not known to me, but it was very odd and unprofessional – my son was literally on the way for an official visit that he had coordinated with Thompson, with whom he had been in touch for over a year, when we learned of it (not from the coaches). Thompson never contacted my son to tell him. To his credit, Deck Shipley (who was not aware of my son’s visit) stepped up immediately and put everything aside to meet with my son. He was appointed HC shortly thereafter. So, Thompson dropped the ball (to say the least) and Deck Shipley stepped up. As for jumps, we’re told they are in the process of hiring a full time jumps coach soon. Charlie Hu – part-time jumps coach previously – has also been largely unresponsive. My advice is to reach out to Deck Shipley directly. Their website is a notorious mess (conflicting links and info, outdated, etc.), so don’t count on it.

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Good info, thanks. Glad to hear your son was able to navigate through a less than ideal situation. Those coaching changes can be a mess sometimes.

If he quit/was fired in a hurry, Thompson was most likely prohibited by NYU from contacting recruits. Glad they had someone who was able to step up.

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I got a response and I actually hit their recruiting standard, however because theyve been so busy they haven’t been able to talk to me. I was wondering what I should do and when the deadline is where they can help me with admissions.

I’d reply and let them know you’re very interested in the school/program and would like to chat about the program and recruiting process and/or the possibility of walking on if admitted.

They might have used all the support they have at this point, or not. Only the coach can tell you. I did see on Milesplit that they had a very good TJ/LJer announce a commitment last week.

But I would just try to get a chat to understand how the program works, let the coach know you’ve applied and this is one of your top choices. Coaches are pretty good at these conversations and if they can help (or not) they’ll probably let you know. If you chat and they don’t mention it, you can just ask if they have any influence with admissions.

As far as how late they can help assuming they have formal support slots left, I don’t know how NYU works, sorry. At quite a few schools coaches can reach into the applicant pool as late as they want if they have formal support to give. Sometimes this involves flipping the app to ED, sometimes not. At other schools, or where they don’t have formal support remaining, they can often reach out to flag the application; that may or may not help. Really, I’d rely on the coaches there to know how this works.

Good luck!

It sounds like the new coach has alot on his plate. Its possible he used his initial bandwidth to hire new coaches, settle the athletes who are already on campus, and learn the system. If thats the case, he might be looking for recruits later in the game than typical. @politeperson gave good advice for your discussion.

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I told the long distance coach that I EDed and he said he said he sent my info to the jumps coach but I haven’t gotten an email back from him. Is there a reason to be worried (The long distance coach did say I hit their jump standards.)

I’m also worried because NYU ED comes out in February and even if I don’t get a guaranteed slot I would like a little push because I have pretty good grades but track is my best extracurricular.

I’m not sure what you’d be worried about. That sounds like the typical process to me, and it sounds like pretty good confirmation that at the very least you’d be able to walk on.

I’d give the jumps coach about a week from when the HC replied to you and then reach out to him if you haven’t heard from him. Keep in mind the guy just got hired and is probably busy moving and coaching.

I wouldn’t necessarily expect support just because you meet their standards if that’s what you’re asking. The standards are a threshold for those they’d consider supporting not a guarantee of support.

Really, the best you can do is let them know of your interest and your athletic background and then remain both patient and persistent. They’ll be able to answer all your questions if/when you get a chance to chat via phone/text/email.

Also, I’m assuming you already replied to the HC saying: thanks, look forward to hearing from Coach X and learning more about the program. If you haven’t done that, do it asap.


It used to be about just walking on because I didn’t think I was good enough to be recruited but now that I have been told I am I’d really like their help.

Yes, makes sense. I’d still proceed the way I mentioned and see where it goes.

I’d also encourage you to keep trying to contact coaches at other schools where you applied. It’s always nice to have more than one conversation going.

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I agree that you should contact the HC and the jumps coach soon and directly. ED2 support is often less common, but given their situation with losing the other HC so late in the process, they may be able to offer some support for you there this year. Also, as mentioned, meeting standards and getting support are not necessarily commensurate. Support will depend on their priorities and current needs.

Here are the signings sorted by date (not sure if my sorting will come through on the link- you can resort by date or school if needed).

Sharing for any track fans or recruits who might be curious who is going where,


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Coach Roberts emailed me and asked my availability and I told him my availability and asked if he would help me with admissions just to keep you guys up to date


Do you guys think it’s too late for me to get any admissions help

Also is there anything I should do to get them to respond quicker.