<p>So I was rejected from Columbia early decision, and now I'm applying to NYU. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what my chances are of getting in... Just, you know, if you think I'll get in, or I won't get in, or I'm sort of borderline... I am also applying to USC. </p>
Critical Thinking:700
ACT: 32
SAT II:Lit.: 710
SAT II: Math IIC: 610
SAT II: US History: 680
AP US History:4
AP Calculus BC: 4 </p>
Concert Band-A+; PE-A+;World History 9-A+; Adv. Algebra II-B+;Earth Science-A+; Honors English 9-B;Latin I-A
PE-A+; Biology-A;Latin II-A;Math Analysis-B+;Wind Ensamble-A+;World History 10-A+; Honors English 10-A
AP Calculus-C+; Latin III-A;Chemistry-A+;AP US History-A+;Wind Ensamble-A+;Creative Writing I-A+; Honors English 11-A+
Human Physiology-A; AP Government-B; AP Statistics-B;AP English-B,Wind Ensamble-A+; AP Latin (Catullus/Ovid)-A; Independent Study- N/A </p>
Marching Band- Grades 9-12- Recently performed at Governor Kaine's Inaugural Parade
Band Staff- Grades 11-12
NHS- Grades 10-12
Church Orchestra- grade 12
Latin Club- Grades 11-12 </p>
<p>I know that my extracurriculars are weak, but marching band takes up much of my time. I tried to join the academic team my sophomore year, but I was told that marching band would interfere too much.</p>
<p>My parents also recently received this "Parents' News" thing from NYU all about the school. My mother thinks that it is a sign that I'll get in. I'm not so sure about that.</p>
<p>the only reason I CAN see why you got rejected from Columbia is because of you're EC's, which aren't weak, just a bit average. I know what marching band is like though, I dropped after 2 weeks in my freshman year!! it basically BARELY leaves time for anything else.</p>
<p>you have a near 4.0 UW you really should have applied to other schools like Carnegie UPENN [needed higher SAT for that tthough], NorthW, Gerorgetown, whatever whatever</p>
<p>all I'm saying is, it was just bad luck and average EC's which got you rejected. I am really surprised.</p>
<p>you should get in. [presuming you're not applying to NYU STERN, in that case its just a reachy match, because, well, its stern]</p>
<p>you WILL get into NYU [or atleast deffered]</p>
<p>USC i'm going with yes, but you never know.</p>
<p>As a person who got accepted to USC (about three/four years ago), your numbers look solid for that school. But, what exactly is your GPA? I see individual grades for classes, but no overall.</p>
<p>My unweighted GPA (A+=4.0) is about a 3.7. My school figures out GPAs where an A+=4.5, so according to that scale I have about a 4 unweighted. Weighted, it's about a 4.2.</p>
<p>Thanks to everyone for replying. I was essentially told that I wouldn't get into NYU and that I had a slim chance at getting into USC at another board. This is making me feel a bit more confident about my chances of getting into one of these schools.</p>
<p>Did you apply to CAS at NYU? Are there other students from your school applying to NYU? My S ia a freshman at Stern. I believe there were 4 students in all that applied from my son's large public HS (2000 students), including him and I think they all received admissions. My S plus another girl (ranked third) are attending. My S was probably ranked 8th or 9th. The girl who is attending is pre-med and probably had very strong SATs like 1500 out of 1600. You'll probably make it in, if you want my humble opinion. Although I think it is harder for females because they make up 60% of the student population. Are you male or female?
Good luck.</p>
<p>I did apply CAS, and there are two other students that I know of who are applying to NYU, the senior class president and another student in my government class who was already accepted to the University of London and would much rather go there. And I'm a girl.
Thanks for the opinion.</p>
<p>So... my mother doesn't think I have a chance... But she won't say it to my face...
Anyway, does the topic on which personal essays are written affect acceptance? I mean, mine's about how being the child of an Army officer has made me more aware of diversity and has allowed me to have a bunch of different opportunities... I recently looked at the essay and I really don't like how it was written. I mean, no spelling or gramatical errors... I just don't, well, like it.</p>
<p>Bandnerd06 - I think you will get in. At a school like NYU where there are more than 35,000 applicants, I think they have to start (first cut) with selection via the SAT's and the GPA and then they will look further using the essay and ec's. Your SAT's are probably fine except for the Math IIC but I don't know if this is that relevant, depending upon what you want to study. If you want to go into the sciences or something, then it should probably be higher to get acceptance.</p>
<p>Sybbie is absolutely correct in that $$ may be an issue. There is little financial aid at NYU. We are paying top dollar to send our S there - like $50,000/year. We hope it's worth it because he could have gone to a state school for $7500/yr. </p>
<p>The other thing is that you might get into the GSP program of NYU. There are some threads on this subject to find out more about it. Have you done an overnight at NYU. I think this would be helpful to make sure you want to go there. You will read some posts in here that some students are unhappy at NYU. This may be true but I can tell you that my S loves it there and he is definitely not alone. Many of his friends love it there too and are arranging for housing for next year.</p>
<p>Peacemaker, I said that I was undecided on my major on my application, but I said a possible area of study would be history. I havn't yet received a GSP letter, and I don't know if they are still being sent out.
I havn't actually stayed overnight at NYU, but I have stayed in NYC numerous times. If I do get in, I'll definately try to stay overnight at NYU.
Thank you very much for the comments.</p>