NYU vs. BC

<p>Hi everyone, I really need your advice.
I want to study communications/ journalism, and my choices are narrowed down to either NYU or BC.
I got into communications department at the Steinhardt school at NYU, and major undecided for the college of arts & sciences at BC.
I've been going to prep school in middle of nowhere in New England for four years, so I REALLY want to be in the city for college. But I'm worried NYC might be little too big and busy for me. Lack of 'real' campus in the big New York City worries me about NYU, too. At the same time, DIVERSITY is very important for me, and NYU is deffinately more diverse than BC. BC also has its pros and cons for me, but i won't bore youguys with all the details. </p>

<p>I'm mostly interested in hearing some comparisons in their academics, and communications program.<br>
Thank you so much for your advice. :)</p>

<p>Well, in terms of the campus, the schools couldn't be any more different. BC is suburban, very very pretty campus, lots of green space, lots of gothic and traditional buildings. At the same time, it is right next to the T stop and Boston is very easily accessible. NYU has more of a lack of a campus, right in the middle of the city, very hustle bustle. Not necessarily a bad thing, just very different. In terms of academics, I'd say the schools are essentially equal (look at the rankings, I believe they're the same?) The thing I would focus on is the rest of your undergrad experience. BC is catholic and probably more conservative, but not necessarily the majority (BC is probably 50/50 conservative/liberal, while I'd say NYU would be more 25/75). BC also has division 1 sports, something which the students absolutely fall in love with. Could you tell us a little more about what you like/what you dislike in schools...this could make your answer a little easier, b/c other than being nearly identical academically, they are very different in every other aspect.</p>