Nyu Vs Gwu Vs Fordham Vs Fit

<p>So i have an extremely hard decision to make. what im interested is particularly fashion, which is why i applied to the fashion institute of technology. i also got into fordham, nyu, and gwu. ill describe the situation of each school:</p>

<p>FIT- it is an extremely specialized school and im afraid that what if fashion is not the route i want to take in the end because i want to graduate with a high-paying job and be able to go to graduate school.</p>

<p>Fordham- i like it because it has public relations. they gave me 14,000 for financial aid out of 42000 including loans. </p>

<p>George Washington- i chose this college because of its warmer location since im from NH. but im more of a new york person and the dc area isnt really appealing to me. however, my financial package is 48,000 and 41,000 without loans out of the 53,000 tuition per year. </p>

<p>NYU- i didnt get into the college of arts and sciences program but i was accepted into their General studies program. that program is for only 8% of its applicants who they still want at their college but not accepting due to its high percetnage of applicants. so basically it is a 2 year program in which those two classes you take mostly liberal arts classes and busting butt during the 2 years. and after maintaining a b average, the graduate of the gsp program can effortlessly enroll into the originally applied college, which owuld be CAS for me as a junior and senior. however, i realzied that my major that i want which is communications/public relations isnt included in the CAS program but in the steinhardt program which is hard to switch because space in itself is limited. plus my financial package isnt that great and is like 12,500 without all those loans per year. </p>

<p>i dont know what to do because if i chose FIT im taking a risk for my career and future where i can be safer with the typical 4 year college. </p>


<p>I'd choose FIT just because you dont think you'd like DC, NYU just seems like its a big mess, and fordham is pretty expensive
if it turns out the fashion major isnt exactly what you want, doesnt FIT have a few other majors along the lines of communications/management?
or you could always transfer and/or go to grad school at say nyu</p>

<p>edit: also I say you should give DC a chance lol it might be a better transition going from NH to DC and then to NYC eventually after you live in a really big city</p>

<p>I would not pick FIT. Like DHY said, what happens if u just dont like your route of study in the end. Your stuck in a school that is 100% fashin related. Also if ur into making money and going into a "professional" career requiring grad school and high starting salaries, then FIT is not the route I would choose. I would go to GWU. They gave u a good offer and frankly GW has a more traditional college experience than NYU. it has an actual campus (although not that big) and in the case that at the end u want to do business, law or medecine, well GWU is a great place to be as placement into jobs is great. Also prestige is good here. NYU might have a bit more prestige though but GW gave u a better deal right?
Fordham id cross out right of the top and FIT i would stronly advise u not to go to. IMHO, i think it wil be a waste of ur time as very very prestigous schools have offered u an opportunity.</p>

<p>My cousin transfered to FIT after one or two unhappy years at UMaryland-College Park. She enjoyed her time there, and is now employed at a fashion company and doing well for herself. However, I think that you are right to worry about Grad School/not wanting to continue with fashion. If you are having doubts now, I would lean towards eliminating FIT. If you go elsewhere and decide that you simply MUST get into fashion, you will probably be able to transfer into FIT. </p>

<p>NYU is a great school in an awesome location. However, it will be a lot of money for you--about $35,000/yr. If you could afford this, and CAS (which you will eventually be in) had your major, I'd say that this was a really good choice. But it sounds like this would be a financial stretch for you, and you would likely have to transfer into the major that you really wanted (assuming you didn't change your mind about the major), which is difficult at NYU as I understand it. </p>

<pre><code> So now we have two choices.

<p>Fordham has the location and the major that you want. However, it is nearly as expensive as NYU, and not as prestigious a school. </p>

<p>GWU is the best school next to NYU (very similar academically, I believe), and it offered you a fabulous aid package, making it the cheapest school by far. I would imagine that it also has public relations. I would strongly suggest that you seriously consider GW. True, DC isn't NYC, but it is still an urban enviornment, and if you visit you may discover that it is close to the enviornment that you are looking for. Cheap + good academics + probably your major = hard to pass up, in my book. </p>

<p>Obviously, I can't look inside of you and tell you what you want most, but this is my opinion.</p>

<p>I just posted some tools on how to make the final decision that might be helpful: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=324388%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=324388&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I know it's tempting to ask everyone and their uncle what you should do, but too much input from others, especially from people who don't know you, may just confuse you more. Step back, think through what you want out of a college experience, and trust your own judgement about what is right for you. Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks everyone!</p>