<p>I new to this forum, I see there are some great peopel here with solid wisdom regarding the Theater Arts cirriculum.
Our delimma is this.
My D is set on Jullaird, I am not so hot on the idea.
My thoughts are a school like NYU is going be better suited should she decide to change majors 2 years in.
Am I wrong in thinking this?
I also have been advised that the University of Cincinnati has one the best B.F.A programs for the money invested.
I really want my D to pursure her dreams and aspirations but also want to be a prudent parent in advising her on her options.
At $40-50k a year for NYU or Julliard, I still think Theater and film is just like any other industry, WHO you know not what you know.
Any advise or opinions would be much appreciated.
<p>I would wait until there is an opportunity to attend these schools before deliberating very much. The odds of getting into Julliard seem pretty remote from what I have read. My s. did not audition there, but VERY talented kids I know did and they understood that the odds were against admission going in. Who you know may get you a job but I would think that a meaningful career probably requires that you know a lot...</p>
<p>jonesy67 - Is your daughter looking at Juilliard for drama or for music? A student can audition for one area or the other at Juilliard, and musical theatre is not offered. The drama program at Juilliard auditions about 1000 students for 20 spots per year. Some of the people selected are straight out of HS, but others already have an undergrad college degree (often a BFA) and are going for the additional training. I am not as familiar with the music side of Juilliard and their auditions.</p>
<p>At NYU Tisch, many students are selected and several studios are offered. Many of these studios are strictly for acting. If you are interested in MT, CAP 21 within Tisch would be the studio you want to consider.</p>
<p>CCM is well known for its MT program, as are many other schools discussed on this forum.</p>
<p>Go ahead and have her audition for all of these and others, as admission odds are not very good.</p>
<p>Also you should know Tisch is a guaranteed 4 year degree course whereas Julliard make cuts, and I'm not even sure if you get a degree?
If she's going to want to change major, I'd say NYU. If she's very serious about developing her acting/musical talent, I'd say Julliard. It is definately who you know with regards to success in the business, but training is for actors whose primary concern is producing high quality work, not putting out any old crap just to get on stage/camera. And if you manage to make valubale connections, the opportunity will be wasted if you don't have the ability to perform to an appropriate level. That said, not everyone needs training - some are naturally talented.</p>
<p>Just wanted to put in a little correction -- Juilliard actually doesn't make cuts. There hasn't been an official cut in the program for about twenty years, although there was a "probation" process beginning midway through the second year of training, during which a given class generally lost a person or two. But as of this year (as Jim Houghton has assumed directorship of the program) even that process has been eliminated, and there will no longer be any cuts at all (unless, like most programs, there are truly extenuating circumstances). There will, however, be a more extended audition process -- after the initial audition and callback, there will be another round of callbacks where the 40 (I think?) finalists will all be flown in to NY for a weekend of workshops and classes and interviews so that the final selection process can really be thorough. And then once you're in, you're in.</p>
<p>You do in fact get a degree from the Juilliard acting program (if you're an undergrad, you get a BFA -- if you already have your undergrad degree, you get a diploma)</p>
<p>Just wanted to set that straight.</p>