NYU vs Lehigh

<p>Got into NYU CAS and Lehigh, both for econ major. While I know that NYU is a better school in terms of ranking and their econ program is one of the best, I would be paying over $64,000 more over the course of four years if I decide to go NYU. I am leaning toward NYU and taking on the debt because I think that NYU has a better recruitment program (with STERN) and also make it easier for me to get a MBA later but I am not sure.</p>

<p>everyone with finacial sense would advise you not to take on that debt.</p>

<p>Additionally, YOU can only get about 27k in loans from the federal government over all 4 years. Beyond that, either you need a cosigner with good credit or your parents need to take out loans. If your parents credit isn’t good enough, you could end up having to drop out in your 4th year because your cosigner doesn’t qualify to sign your loans anymore because they have too much debt.</p>