NYU vs Middlebury vs BU vs Fordham vs UVM [biology and/or computer science]

The listed medical school admission rates suggest that Haverford (95%) only encourages the strongest pre-meds to apply, while Grinnell (66%) encourages a greater range of pre-meds, including some whose chances may not be all that great.

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Thanks for the info on Fordham. My kid is very interested in attending. I may PM you with a ? or 2.

Those score make no sense, and are problematic otherwise.

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The scores shown represent exams taken prior to a recalibration of the SAT several years ago. Within this context, the OP is free to judge to what degree standardized testing profiles correlate with general selectivity.

That was one of the things that was problematic. In 2015, SAT scores were on a 2400 scale, but the SAT scores presented there are on a 1600 scale.

The writing portion was omitted. This decision may have been influenced by Psychology Today, which published the earliest version of the analysis, I believe.

I’ve spent a little over 1 month at NYU now. I don’t think I like it very much. In fact, it might be the worst fit for me out of all of the schools I got in to. I’m not sure if the other places would have been better for me–the grass is always greener idea I guess-- but I am sure that NYU is driving me insane. The people here are my worst nightmare. I’m aware of how entitled I am, but these people are something else. It makes it hard for me to approach people to make friends. By now, people already have their established groups (did I mention that this place is extremely Cliquey?). Today I saw some guy scream at the poor Upstein Dining Hall staff because he wasn’t allowed to pick up his friends food. Academically, I’m not enjoying my program that much either. For a liberal arts program, I don’t have any academic freedom. I have to take certain classes instead of getting to choose from a few options, and my electives are all chemistry related (I really hate chemistry too, missing my old AP Bio class). The humanities classes are also so dead. It seems like no one wants to be in them which is sad.
I don’t know if college is just kicking my ass or if NYU is. I want to transfer to a small or medium, suburban/rural college away from the run, hide, or fight messages, insane costs, and life sucking city surrounding me. Everyone in this thread said that I would like Middlebury the most, they were probably right. If anyone is reading this thread and is unsure of which college to choose then take my advice. At the end of the day, you do have an opinion on every college you get into. You know which ones will make you happy or not. Choose what makes you happy. I chose to make the people around me happy by choosing the prestigious option near my family. I’m not happy though. Don’t be like me.
Anyone got any thoughts? Should I stay here or should I transfer to someplace that I think will make me happier? If so what are these places. I still want to do Tufts, but LAC schools don’t sounds bad. I will say, I like being somewhat close to a city, but not in it.

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Sorry it’s not working out. Follow your own advice. Run, don’t walk, out of there. NYU is one of those schools which is simply not for everyone.

@BryceWunderlich if this is your real name, you should consider changing it. If you don’t have enough permission to PM, send an email to admin@collegeconfidential.com.