NYU vs. Syracuse

<p>I am trying to make a decision about college and would appreciate any input.
At the moment I am pursuing journalism, I am not 100% sure that I want to do this but it seems appealing at the moment. I have been accepted to the SI Newhouse school at Syracuse for Magazine Journalism. I have also been accepted to CAS at NYU, in the Liberal Studies Program. I heard some not so great things about LSP from my brother who went through the program, and am not completely thrilled with the requirements I will have to take the first 2 years at NYU before taking Journalism classes, but I love New York and have wanted to go to NYU as long as I can remember. I went to Open House at Syracuse and was told about all of the contacts and internships people get there from alumni and professors, but at the same time NYU is in Manhattan, surrounded by publications.</p>