NYU Waitlist 2024

I got off the waitlist last week and I am not accepting the offer because it is too expensive. So hopefully one of you guys can take it!

Do you think that a large percentage of applicants to Stern are waitlisted?

@krispey thank you so much. What school were you…

I think NYU waitlisted more students compared to last year because of Coronavirus Pandemic. Last year’s waitlist thread was not this long :frowning:

is anyone noticing any glitches/changes? I havent had any actual changes on my portals but earlier my housing page said that there was a technical issue and that my portal wouldn’t be accessible for a bit (that has since been resolved) and then I just logged into NYU home and it said I didn’t have a profile and that I “may be seeing this message if I am alumn, an applicant, or an incoming student”. I refreshed and it was still there and then closed all my tabs, left it for a sec, and then logged in again and it was back to my nyuhome. Makes me think they’re changing something? like patching hints or something like that.

@SendMeCollege Sure, but given decisions were likely made in February or early March, the virus was not perceived to be as bad as it became in late March and April; hence, the increase in waitlists isn’t as big as the increase in deferrals etc.
This was before the shutdown of all inbound international travel, too, and NYU is 30% international. Furthermore, a report came out that many colleges were predicting 15-25% drops in enrollment.

@stellarpasta thats really encouraging and gives me hope. I feel like a lot of students are declining due to cost as well.

guys can someone call admissions just to double check if there is a wave today

I called and asked if there was a wave today and he said he cannot clarify anything and that they are aware of the streams on the internet

If anyone from NYU is reading this please make my checklist go away and accept me to stop the pain and suffering… this would be sincerely appreciated from the bottom of my heart thank you.

@hellowaitlist I hope they do! I’m so nervous

I hope there’s a wave today. I’ve picked up stitching to calm the nerves I think we’re all going insane

aghhh this waiting and waiting for my AP to start is going to give me a heart attack

has anybody’s checklist disappeared

You know what it has come to- Im doing extra maths to occupy myself so I dont start panicking about this. Wow. never thought i would see this day.

I think checklist disappears after 1:00

@an12345 Feeling this. I’m wondering whether anyone has gotten any sleep lately cause I sure haven’t lol

today or not

I think I’m more nervous about this than about my AP #priorities

Just curious since im international- how you all doing APs from home