NYU Waitlist 2024

Are we expecting more waves?

We aren’t sure. They’re may not be anymore waves.

can somebody call or email them to find out?

there will be more waves I emailed them. Its rolling descisions

@aaaghosh It’s memorial day. They’re off today.

When did you email them?

last thursday

Let’s just see if there is a wave tomorrow. If there is then we’ll know for sure.

should i email them again?

@aaaghosh Can you call them? I feel like they would be more comfortable and direct with information over the phone than through email. I feel like with emails, they always just “copy-paste” the same standard response each time. Could you please call and let us know:)

That’s true they literally copy and paste with email replies

Hey, I’m still waiting for Tisch. They say we have all summer, so, I will stay hopeful. I’m not sure why so many of us haven’t heard anything except that acceptances may have gone out with students in mind for specific studios. or MT acceptances, first perhaps? It’s always possible, good luck!

hoping for a wednesday wave… any updates anyone?

i already had called them but they literally gave me no information so i emailed them again

We’ll see if there’s a wave tomorrow

I still haven’t heard of anyone getting off the waitlist for Dramatic Writing. Has anyone heard anything yet?

Good evening!! Is anybody considering creating a groupme or should I start it? Just feel like communication would be more convenient and to some degree less stressful than on CC. PM me if interested! And yeah definitely hope more ppl get good news tmr

I’m interested in a groupme!

GroupMe created! PM me if you want to join!

@2024BoiBoi can you add me too…I’m new here