NYU Waitlist 2024

Looks like today was a bust too…

Unpopular opinion: splitting my finger in half was a whole load less painful than this entire waitlist process.

Well we’re officially f*****.

hold out for tomorrow

@an12345 what makes you think there may be a wave tomorrow?

Really hope someone gets to hear something by the end of this month!

@hellowaitlist Since there has never been a wace on thursday maybe this week theyll just release everything on a friday. Its unlikely that all spaces are filled up and since theyve not sent out an email saying they are at capacity im holding out for tomorrow since there is likely to be a mini wave then

God I hope that’s true

y’all – i got a dilemma over here. i got accepted waitlist to umiami today and i have a week to accept and pay the deposit. but the thing is, nyu has been my dream school for as long as i can remember. should i take the risk and forget about nyu or should i give up on the waitlist and attend umiami?

can anyone see the waitlist signs? like COA and other stuffs

@y2keo77 I can’t see anything

@bisenchanted Definitely wait for the week to see if you can get into NYU. If you haven’t heard back by then you should absolutely take umiami

@bisenchanted commit to umiami for now (if it’s definitely your current number one)! if you end up getting off nyu, you will still have the ability to accept the offer!

i am still waiting for cas / ls too

it’s difficult to stay positive in these uncertain times but don’t lose hope!! they still haven’t emailed us about the waitlist being closed so

If they are not offering more spots today, I feel like they will send out a final email early next week saying that they are at full capacity now. They don’t usually work during the weekends so I’m really crossing my fingers for releasing decisions today.

Yup today is our last chance

Has anyone called?

I called. The representative that I talked to said that they are reviewing the waitlist, but they are unsure if they will continue pulling off of the waitlist. No schools are closed, but they can’t guarantee that they will take anybody off.

That’s just being polite