NYU Waitlist 2024

I don’t know. Being polite would just be misleading us, and I don’t think that they would do that. There is so much going on, it’s possible that they legitimately don’t know.

Well… if no schools are closed yet by Friday why wouldn’t they accept more students off the waitlist? I feel like there won’t be any more waves.

Exactly. If there were truly spots remaining and they planned to admit students, there would be a wave this week.

All I was told is the waitlist was still under review, and she didn’t know. If they are truly done pulling from the waitlist, I think they would have sent out that email. I would expect some communication on their part.

I don’t think we have great chances. However, I don’t think it is quite over yet.

Nyu has been stringing us along way longer than I expected. I just want them to at least give some kind of communication than remaining silent. Rejection letter would be okay for me at this point. Then I can finally move on to care more about the college I am committed to.

My general assumption is that most of their spots are filled up. Probably about 90-95%. I think this is what they meant by having no schools filled up yet. We have slim chances now and probably would not have any more waitlist waves. Several spots will be opened if a student simply declines the offer or it might be due to the summer melt.

guys I think we shouldnt jump to conclusions because the truth is even NYU doesn’t know what the current situation is going to do their their yield, lets be patient and wait to hear from them directly.

I feel like every kid waitlisted in Gallatin had no shot to begin with…

@bombergirl I get you. Gallatins cone of silence hasnt helped.

Wow this was dismal.

Nothing today. Ggs everyone.

What schools will you guys be attending? I’m going to UT.

I’m going to VT. I plan on reapplying to NYU if there are no more waitlist acceptances.

Just called NYU Admissions. The guy very bluntly said “yes, they’re still accepting people off of the waitlist”, so I guess that’s a good sign lol

@jptd1302 THANK YOU!! Did you ask if there will be a wave soon or if it’s just gonna be random acceptances here and there?

@jptd1302 thank you, hoping some more people get in! Anyone noticed any change in portal? I can’t even see COA

Yeah I also just contacted the admissions office and the guy reaffirmed they’re still accepting and they will announce when they no longer are, so its best to just remain patient and optimistic and try not inducing hysteria. Hang in there!

Why did they not accept any students this week?

My friend’s son got acceptance notice today for transfer student, his business major.
I guess they are not working on waiting list this week, may be next week they will.

My guess is a mix of Memorial Day and the riots going on right now, albeit that may be a bit far-fetched

Okay so they might be releasing another waitlist wave next Wednesday. Hoping for the best for you guys:)