NYU Waitlist 2024

The albert website isn’t working for me. Is this happening with anyone else?


My Albert portal isn’t working for me either.

What error do you get? I get “error getting content” and there’s a “detailed error description “ button below

My portal is now working.

Hi guys! I’m not sure if this means anything but yesterday I got an email from NYU saying my CSS Profile had been processed and then a follow up email about an hour later telling me it was a mistake and no changes had been made to my application. Did this happen to anyone else??

I heard such CSS related mail to one waitlist applicant before one wave too- not about mistake later… but some Q on CSS. Anything moving might be good sign! Just a thought.

Who thinks there will be a wave on Wednesday?

I do, but I’m not positive.

i think there will be at least one more if they are soo insistent that they havent shut off the waitlist. Additionally so due to covid.

They are taking wayy too long.

At least they should already have the Abu Dhabi results ready by now.

Totally agree. But they haven’t sent any email saying the spots are taken up so I guess we should keep waiting.

I sent an email yesterday asking about whether there are more spots left for waitlisted students. They responded with one-sentence saying that I should receive an email between now and August 2020. So basically they are telling me to wait until August. They didn’t give me a specified answer, but at least it signals that there will be more waitlist waves.

Does anyone know if we can still email them updates on awards and ec’s? Can someone pls call them?

I honestly doubt they would consider it at this point.

Hi guys. So I’m really confused with something. I am still waiting to get off from the waitlist of NYU. But since waitlist decisions are quite uncertain, I have actually accepted an offer from another school, like most. Now the problem I’m facing is that whether i should for NYU and request i20 from NYU (if i get in that is) or complete request for i20 with the current school I’m in right now. Deadlines to complete i20 have passed for that school, but due to current circumstances they are being very co operative but asked me to complete it as soon as it is possible. Will there be a big problem if say i complete i20 with the current school and then if i get off the waitlist from NYU and decide to go there? Let me know your suggestions. Thank you :slight_smile:

@“girl.87963” In my understanding, you can get an I-20 with your current school. You can transfer it to NYU if off the waitlist even after entering the US. It doesn’t really matter if the school you actually go matches the one on your I-20 when entering. I guess you can ask NYU and see what they say. Correct me if I’m wrong.

@CRFan7 Thank you so much!

I’m really hoping that they release their decisions tomorrow…

Anyone have any sort of indicator?