NYU Waitlist 2024

Nothing. SMH. Checklist still there

Last week, after hearing nothing back on Wednesday, we assumed they will release the decisions on Friday. But literally nothing happened on Friday too… Hope not this cycle repeats again

If I may guess, the wave may still be happening, but the people who receive it don’t use College Confidential.

So no wave today once again. Shocker.

Looking at the transfer threads, they are aiming to have transfer decisions done by this Friday. Possibly next Friday. It’s possible that we simply aren’t priority.

Transfers have until Friday for decision deadline? IMO, I do think with everything in the USA going on- it might be difficult be business as usual…


Agreed. It might be simply that they are only accepting a few students off the waitlist now and the number is so small that we don’t even realize.

  • I'm getting tired of justifying and blaming everything on COVID and riots.

Agree @y2keo77- we sud not blame, it was more a comment to stay hopeful. And, I agree there might be some acceptances which we could not come to know. Thanks

Are you sure about Cost Of Attendance sign? I think everyone can see that cost breakdown or it should include aid package?

My daughter got off the waitlist for CAS the second week of May. They made it seem when we emailed them that they rarely go to their waitlist ( I had called a week before the deadline on May 1st to inquire about her chances). My guess is that they don’t have a lot of spots left based on that comment, but not sure. Good luck to all. This is a tough year and maybe it’s a blessing in disguise if you don’t get off the list considering everything that is happening in NYC rn.

Hi I just want to ask. I just got some real good grades for my final term today, do you think it is still worth it to ask my counsellor to upload it to the nyu portal? Will it be too late?

Yes, it would be too late at this point to send your updated transcript. NYU hasn’t been accepting more students off the waitlist for 2 weeks and this might be because their spots are filled up by now. Also the deadline to update your new accomplishments is way passed. I think it was due by May 1st? After this deadline, we can’t send them any new updates.

Have anyone called the office lately to ask them if they are taking more students off the waitlist soon?

It’s really annoying to be ignored on the waitlist all this time! They seem to have no intention of admitting off the waitlist anymore. :frowning:

On 5-29 @thewildizzybear called and stated this, “ I called. The representative that I talked to said that they are reviewing the waitlist, but they are unsure if they will continue pulling off of the waitlist. No schools are closed, but they can’t guarantee that they will take anybody off.“

But honestly, you get a different answer every time you call. If I were not overseas, I’d call for us. Sorry.

We have not received a letter that the schools are full so I think there is still a shot. I think i read in this forum early on that in the past, update letters typically came out around June 15 that they were full. Correct me if I’m wrong…

Any domestic applicants still waiting? Could you guys please call the NYU office if you have a chance to do so? I’m an international applicant so calling them is quite challenging. I’ve sent them multiple emails though, but calling them would be more effective.

@y2keo77 It’s been over two weeks of no students being accepted from the waitlist. Movement on the waitlist is likely over and if we call they’ll just give us the same generic info.

Yeah I was thinking of the same thing. It’s probably over now. But why can’t they just send us an email that their capacity is full now. This is what I’m curious about.

@y2keo77 That’s why I don’t think it’s over. It would be ridiculous to keep us hanging for this long.

When did they stop admitting students last year?