NYU Waitlist 2024

I was on the waitlist last year and I found out somewhere between end of June-early July that the waitlist was closed and no more offers were going to be made (I’m applying as a transfer this year). They will send an official email once the school is full. Just wanted to pop on to let people know how it went last year :slight_smile:

While you guys were waiting until early July, were waitlist waves continuously announced throughout the month? or did they just keep it deadly silent?

Is anyone or any of your friends considering a gap year with all going on …about 3 out of 5 of my friends are thinking to pull the plug…don’t want to pay, don’t want to do online classes, just not the same…

@y2keo77 It was pretty quiet unfortunately. I got one email saying that they had admitted over 350 students to xyz schools which they anticipated would represent the majority of the waitlist offers, but they would continue to monitor.

Sounds familiar…kinda sounds like that might be about where we are now…it’s been quiet for two weeks!

I guess it’s time to move on and stop thinking about nyu. kinda feeling better now because I don’t have to stress about it anymore and can finally focus on the college I’m committed to :smile: but honestly it would be much better if they send out the email earlier.

I think there’s going to be a wave today, my housing just updated to show “Fall 2020” and I have a breakdown of COA in my financial aid, which were indicators in previous waves.

They were there wayy before.

@JoshuaAndre Hey that looks promising…

@JoshuaAndre Good luck! Let us know if you get off :slight_smile:

guess no wave today

Today transfer result came out…

I’ve had these so-called “indications” for a while but nothing came out of it. All we can do is wait.

I just hope they can send out the closed waitlist letter now, because at this point I doubt I’ll make it in.

Does anyone see this in their housing portal “Our records indicate that you have not yet submitted your deposit to accept your admission to the University. Once you have accepted, you will be able to access the housing application.” My admissions normal portal doesn’t seem to have been updated.

I’m also able to see my COA, Which I was unable to see beforehand.

I’m willing to wait if I have any chance of all at making it in, but it does grow old. I wish NYU would be more transparent.

Hey all, anyone waitlisted have their transfer credit report available?

I don’t have any updates to my applicant portal. So I guess if you have those indicators, it probably means a good sign. Again, indicators cannot be trusted, but it definitely signals something if new updates are being made to your portals. Best of luck to everyone:)

Btw what colleges did you guys commit to? I’ll be probably going to UW seattle.

Another update just got to see all of my financial aid awards and scholarships so I’m guessing there’s a wave coming soon hopefully.

What schools did you guys apply to?