NYU Waitlist 2024

I disagree. From my understanding, taking people off an unranked waitlist is a much more mechanical process, because the application evaluation is already done and all they need is the right person for the class profile. Easy way to check is to see if people were being taken off the waitlist at the same time as the transfer process was happening in previous years, which it was, go look at the threads. Transfers take a couple of months all in all, from April to late June or something, they don’t just not do waitlist while that’s going on.

I am sure that they are understaffed this year due to Covid, but hope and believe that they will start the first waive tomorrow. Good luck to All

@SJ2727 I see what you mean. However, I don’t think it’s that simple, as as school like NYU has so many applicants, that finding someone with a similar profile might take more work than you’d expect. Regardless, I do hope they release waitlists soon.

i already know housing portal / zoom stuff is complete bs but I checked again today and both of those cites changed for me. Now housing portal says summer 2020 only and zoom says a Member-Student and it didn’t say that stuff before, anyone else’s change ?

If you applied rd and got waitlisted, is it possible they admit you as a spring admit?

is there a difference between member and member-student for zoom?

@davismathis My housing portal also changed to just summer 2020 recently but my zoom still says member-affiliate (?). I’m thinking it’s maybe because registration for spring 2020 housing has like fully closed or something because it’s May and the only thing left to have on my portal was summer 2020? Before I only had spring 2020 and summer 2020. I wouldn’t put too much stress on those changes though. There was a lot of debate about it on the RD thread and it turned out to not mean much of anything. It is weird that they changed though.

Also does anybody else have member-affiliate on zoom? Nobody in this thread has said they do yet and idk what it means lol

@ellie1234 Yeah I doubt housing means anything at all it’s kinda weird how we have different zoom things tho I don’t even know what affiliate means lol

does anyone know if they do spring admits for stern?

@davismathis lol yeah sorry I just reread your original post and saw you called it bs which it probably is but still fun to speculate

my zoom also just changed to member-student. It used to say member. I’m trying not to get my hopes up but this may be a good sign?? idk, did it change for everyone else as well?

They had just about the same number of applicants last year… and I’m sure their systems are good enough to pick out what they need. It’s not like AOs are going to sit and reread every application on the waitlist. I don’t know why you’re so cynical that what worked last year and the year before etc can’t work this year, anyway, you’ll find out probably within the week.

No, they don’t.

@SJ2727 dude chill. I obviously want to find out sooner rather than later lmao. Relax.

I remember for ED1, the housing indicators might have meant something, as people who had Fall 2020 were all accepted, and people who didn’t were not. They probably fixed that though.

Yeah but you’re spreading negative info on the forum, enough stress going around this year without causing people to worry unnecessarily.

anyone know if its a negative sign to have “member” on their zoom?

@SJ2727 I’m not spreading anything negative. I’m simply stating the possible scenarios. If waiting 1 or 2 more weeks for the waves to start is causing you emotional distress you’re gonna be in for a rude awakening with this waitlist process. You need to RELAX. you’re the only one here who’s worrying about transfer decisions delaying waitlist. Please CHILL omg. We all want our decisions as much as you.

I got APs to distract me anyways lol

@ourhopeworld it probably doesn’t mean anything. I wouldn’t worry.