NYU Waitlist 2024

CAS and Tandon too sorry i forgot to add that in

I submitted my waitlist form way too late (few days before deadline), will that seriously affect my chances?

@calilivin2020 I’m waitlisted for SPS as well, what major did u apply for?

What is the difference between accepted to Fall and Spring? If people were accepted to Spring, does that mean there wasn’t space for Fall at the first place?

I did sports management, how about you? I know that people got in for SPS last week but the ones I have seen were all spring admits. Also, I haven’t seen anyone getting in for SPS and Meyers today so I feel like the waves are either by schools or those two schools are filled up already? @asdfgh3

A few days ago my Zoom said Member now it says Member-student. I had Spring and Summer on Housing portal but now it just says Summer. Is this a good sign?

I have member-affiliate on my NYUzoom. Does anyone else have that or know what it means?

@calilivin2020 Sports management as well. My friend got in for Sports Management last week but for Spring term. I am worried as I am not sure why people were accepted for Spring instead of Fall if they do have spaces. Any ideas?

I have no idea…I don’t want to say it but, I feel like with it coming out earlier and all them being spring admits, they don’t have any space for SPS at least. Did any other school admit last week for spring? I am tempted to call and ask but I can’t think of a way to ask without being overly annoying. @asdfgh3

Can I ask when your friend turned in the waitlist form and which date he got the notification? And he applied for rd for fall 2020? I am just curious about the spring admissions, thanks @asdfgh3

I think you could ask them directly, say like if the first wave for our major was Spring admits, does that mean there aren’t any spaces left for Fall. I am not sure but I think I saw someone who got in Tisch for Spring in this thread?

Anyone that got in today not have any changes in housing? I have summer only and feeling kinda like its game over. But last few years people have always said housing changes are inconsistent so idk what to think.

i only have summer housing too… this is all too depressing

Anybody have any idea when NYU’s other campus like Abu Dhabi and Shanghai going to release their decisions.

@BdCollege they tend to be full up usually.

So apparently the reason I didn’t get aid is because they didn’t receive one of my financial documents, but I have a confirmation email from early March saying they got the exact same document. I’m going to reach out to them tomorrow and see if I can get any aid.

I know. But since they kept me in their waitlist, I am just clinging onto some hope.

And if they are going to reject me, might as well do it fast. I need to move on and think of other options.

@idkmanpls hey! congrats on your admission :smiley: If I may ask, are you planning on taking up the offer? I’m waitlisted for steinhardt applied psych too

nyu stays giving no aid. SAD

Y’all need to stop looking into housing. It means nothing. I only had Summer showing and got accepted while others had Fall. Also, stop looking at Zoom. It means nothing. I had member while others had student-member, etc. The only thing that would indicate acceptance is if your checklist disappears. You can also look in Albert on the main portal home and it will say if you are admitted or not about a day in advance to being notified.