NYU Waitlist Class of 2026

I cant find it, could you share the link?

Is it possible that this is an old twitter post? I don’t see it recently, although this came up from 2020:

yeah that’s what i thought; it’s way too early for waitlist stuff to be happening rn

I think what Cara3693 is trying to give us here is a sense of when NYU will start its waitlist from past years perspective, that is the first week of May,


Yes, it was just so you could see usual starting date of tapping the waitlist and also their Twitter site.
I this domain doesn’t allow links…
Sorry for any confusion!

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Thanks, it’s good to know! Also good to keep in mind that they send admits in waves…

For my sanity, I look at it as every previous admission cycle and trend is tossed out of the window this year. A Twitter message from 2020 is more likely than not irrelevant because every college and university suffered regarding yield and enrollment during that first lockdown year of 2020 where so many kids either accepted admission then requested a gap year and/or decided to decline admission to schools they may have otherwise accepted so that they could stay very close to home and not attend schools in large cities such as NYC. Most schools pulled generously off their waitlist with the caveat that if you came off the waitlist you had to enroll and gap years would not be honored (some schools still honored gap year requests from those off the WL, many did not). There were no vaccines at that time, no vaccines on the horizon, school was going to be Zoom, and many major cities got slammed with COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Then the following year 2021 many schools ended up so over-enrolled trying not cheat the high school class of 2021 by limiting their admissions for that cycle/year but also having to incorporate the returning gap year students. This year looks to be the corrective course. This is a long-winded way of saying - who knows if the waitlist will be used…and if it is used who knows if it will be in waves. I have one son on the WL who would love to attend (my fingers are firmly crossed and I really want that to happen) but our hopes are pretty muted because there’s just no precedent for what will happen this year. Here’s to hoping though.

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I am thinking the same. This year is another unprecedented year with no real history to base assumptions on. There is an article Notre Dame already released in their newspaper about being ahead on their deposit schedule and not anticipating much waitlist movement. Not sure if that is an indication of how things will be in general.

I agree. For this year, the only thing that is certain is the uncertainty. From my own application experience, several colleges have over enrollment issues last year so they try to balance out this year, which will have impact on waitlist activities . As far as NYU is concerned, I think that the admission office has done a good job to keep the number of enrollment around 6500-6600 for the past five years (2016-2020). You can check the factbook at NYU website. I do not have last year number but it appears around the same level. Of course, to get off waitlist is always one of the most difficult things to achieve. I know that Notre Dame only admitted 5% off its wait list last year. I believe that as a large research university, NYU will admit some students from its wait list this year but that really depends on so many factors, yield rate in a specific school (Stein, CAS etc.), financial aid, etc. Good luck for everyone but don’t feel frustrated if you eventually can’t get off the list. Enjoy your senior year!

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Everyone is right on the mark, according to my former colleagues from my days working in university but, som factors are putting additional pressure on this year( these are statements from other sources ,not my own).

  1. NYU has become increasingly The School to go to for these later GenZ, as is UCLA on the West Coast. That means there are more students more likely to accept an offer, dependent On financial constraints.
  2. The waitlist is much larger this year. Not knowing where one is on the list and for which schools makes it impossible to predict whether there will be an offer even if they go to the waitlist.
  3. Some factors for selection have to do with the perceived desired make up for the incoming class. Those that were desirable candidates academically and socially but we’re from an overly represented group were more likely to be put on the wait list in larger numbers, as well as rejected outright.
    What does all of this mean- in the words of a friend in the field,
    “Don’t depend on getting off the waitlist; don’t over analyze it, and make plans for the future. There are great schools who have offered you a place. If you are too fixated on one school, you may miss out on the great possibilities right in your grasp. If you want to try again, reapply, apply as transfer, and focus on what you want to get out of the school and what you need to do to improve your chances.”
    Most of all, we need to avoid expending a lot of energy worrying about something we cannot influence. Most of all, we need to look at the glass half full.
    Sorry if I sound too strong- I’m saying this t myself as well. As a parent , it’s hard but I remind myself to focus on my daughter and not make it about anyone or anything else.

Will grades be a deciding factor? Or do they not matter as long as you are passing your classes?

I would say if they drastically worsen it would not be a good thing, but if it’s like a letter grade down or something and other parts of your application are good it probably wont have a great impact.

When do we need to submit our transcripts? My school does not have final transcripts yet

I bet they wont ask for them unless you’re accepted but thats just a guess

Hi, guys. I want to write a 3 paragraph LOCI in the waitlist form. Did you guys write LOCI in the waitlist form? I know the school asks us not to.

No I did not. The submission of the waitlist form is an indication of interest. Other than new awards or activities, I am not sure what else you need to add in the waitlist form.

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Thanks man. Good luck for us!

I don’t think the school said not to, they said you can include any new info. it just says not to send additional documents/recommendations etc separate.

I sent my LOCI to my admissions counselor. She responded to add my new accomplishments to the waitlist form. But appreciated the email. So, if its just a LOCI expressing your desire, then I would send it to the AC, if it has updates. sumbit a form

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Oh okay. Thanks