<p>for everyone who was accepted can u tell me what ur sats/gpa/ec/community involvement were so i know what i should expect?</p>
<p>in at stern:</p>
<p>ACT 30
GPA 4.0 (4 years)
8 APs
all other classes honors
varsity hockey
italian club
national honor society
eagle scout
and my dad is friends w/ john sexton</p>
<p>in Stern:</p>
<p>ACT: 31
SAT: 1360 (remember, SAT's are now a different system, out of 2400 isntead of 1600, so this number isn't really as useful)
GPA: 4.0 (it's lower...if you count senior year...)
12 AP's
Varsity Swimming (captatin)
Varsity Tennis (captain)
Varsity Cross Country
Greater Buffalo Youth Orchestra
NYSSMA All NY State Orchestra
Mock Trial
Science Olympiads
Math, french, service club
dad is friends with...well...nobody important lol</p>
<p>in CAS</p>
<p>SAT: 1410
SAT II: spanish 680, physics 670, mathIc 750
GPA: 4.4 weighted, 3.7 uw
AP: spanish 4, physics B 4 & took language, calc AB and psych senior yr
varsity dance team (4yrs)& captain (2yrs)
varsity co-ed dance team (2yrs)
spanish honors society
california scholarship federation gold seal bearer
girls service club
***hahah only 12 hrs of community service..... so obviously NYU didnt care that much about community service!!
im filipino if that made any difference??</p>
<p>hope this helps</p>
<p>in cas</p>
800/800/750 math/chem/writing
GPA = 92
rank = 1/120
decent ecs</p>
<p>imo u just need good stats to get into nyu</p>
<p>ya they really dont care much about EC's and essays it seems (for cas and stern atleast)</p>
<p>in at CAS</p>
800/740/720 math2c/chem/writing
GPA = 3.6
decent ecs</p>
<p>In at CAS:</p>
<p>SAT: 1600 (old system)
SAT IIs: 790/750/690
GPA: 3.7 Unweighted, top private HS
Rank: School doesn't rank
Other stats: Varsity in 2 sports, but not a recruit
Good reccs and essays (or at least I thought)</p>
<p>*I totally think that CAS and Stern are very numbers focused, while Tisch you'll need to be good at the artsy stuff too.</p>
<p>try this old thread</p>
<p>To ABirch III, I have read several of your posts...You are a snob. Good Luck to you.</p>
<p>Interesting observation Mikestrman, especially considering the fact that we've never even met. From reading several of your posts, I can see you're a quick one to judge people as "stuck up" with your dime store over the internet analysis. I'll just take a guess and say you're very closed minded and rash when it comes to making judgements about people.</p>
<p>Good luck to you as well!</p>
<p>hahahahaha.....internet fight!!</p>
<p>rofl let the flaming begin!</p>