
<p>When do incoming freshman need to sign up for these courses? My recollection is that they fill up early and not everyone who wants to do it is able to. Since D hasn’t made a final decision yet (and may not be able to until the spring), I’m wondering if she’s going to miss out on things like this.</p>

<p>Our son turned in his application for OA on April 7th last year and there were only 5 spots still open at that time. I don’t advise waiting until that late in the spring.</p>

<p>When do we have the opportunity to sign up? How will we know that it is open?
Can anyone give a clear picture of what the difference is between OA & AA? I know that OA is more outdoors based, but I guess I am really asking about the focus. Are they both community service based? DD is not sure which one would be best for her if she decides to do it and not go thru recruitment.</p>

<p>^^It looks like last year the applications were available on-line at least by Jan. 16th. </p>

<p>Son did OA this fall and the focus is both on community service and ecology/environment. As I recall, one or two of the days they worked on improving some park land, another couple of days they worked on a project counting and providing habitats for some kind of river mussel, and the last day was spent cleaning tornado debris from Hurricane Creek (son thought this was the day they did the most “good”). They started early every day (7:00 am), had speakers or other events several nights of the week, and had to write a daily journal with several required questions/sections that had to be turned in for part of their grade, so it was a very busy, but rewarding, week for our son.</p>

<p>My DS did OA as a freshman and this fall he was a student leader for OA. He loved it so much when he took the course he wanted to continue to be part of the program. I’m virtually positive he will be a leader again next fall. It’s a GREAT program. Hope your D enrolls! ROLL TIDE!!</p>

<p>What is the difference between the two programs?</p>

<p>Tommy, it is alot in the name. The AA group I believe usually works with a local school. Not positive what all they do as my DS did OA. The OA group focuses on outdoor environmental projects and cleanups. The focus for both is community service. A big PLUS is getting to know other honor’s college students before the school year starts.</p>

<p>Is it a program for only honors or all freshman?</p>

<p>Oh okay, thanks. I was planning on doing AA, just didn’t know what OA was about. I’ll be sure to sign up as soon as it opens up.</p>

<p>OA & AA are for honors students…it’s also a one credit honors class. </p>

<p>Of course, all incoming frosh participate in WOW…Week of Welcome.</p>

<p>I signed up for Alabama Action around May 20th, so I think OA tends to fill up earlier than AA – I would recommend signing up as soon as your daughter is sure she’s coming to Bama.</p>

<p>My group for AA worked at a local middle school where we did projects to fix up the school (such as painting and small-scale construction) and also had “buddy time” where we mentored the students. I found the mentoring extremely rewarding; I had a wonderful group of four girls, and the experience inspired me to participate in a lot more community service activities that involve mentoring or tutoring.</p>

<p>I can’t say I had the life-changing experience that some claim to have during AA, I don’t really keep in touch with anyone I met in the program, but it was still a wonderful week and I would do it again in a heartbeat.</p>

<p>OA Outdoor Action has about 40 students.
AA Alabama Action has approx 130 students.
So that’s why OA fills up faster. It’s only for the folks in honors, yet another reason to join honors if possible. It cost $195 and counts as a one hour honors class. A great side benefit is you get to move in early. 1000 students < 6000 students.</p>

<p>What would you recommend doing if you are unsure as to rush or doing OA/AA. If you sign up for OA or AA in January can you cancel after the rush preview weekend?</p>

<p>When is the rush preview weekend?</p>

<p>March 24-25.</p>

<p>*OA Outdoor Action has about 40 students.
AA Alabama Action has approx 130 students.

<p>The HC is looking into expanding the size of OA simply because of demand. The limit was there because of the last day canoe trip, but now they’re thinking of staggering the canoe trip over a few days so that they can accept more students. There’s much to do in T-town because of the Tornadoes, so it’s not like they won’t be busy!</p>

<p>Warning…it is hot in August, so if you’re not a heat person, choose AA.</p>

<p>Perhaps you could cancel after preview. But check to be sure that you would get your $195 back, or whatever it costs this year.
All the info you need would be in the original AA/OA signup email/letter.</p>

<p>Maybe you could ask now. This is part of the info from last years AA.
• Dr. Jacqueline Morgan – Director University Honors Program <a href=“mailto:jacqueline.morgan@ua.edu”>jacqueline.morgan@ua.edu</a> Office: (205) 348-5574
• Kathryn Merritt – Director of External Relations <a href=“mailto:klmerritt@ua.ua.edu”>klmerritt@ua.ua.edu</a> Office: (205) 348-5500</p>

<p>Course Description: In this six day, one-credit hour course, students attend classes each day given by a number of guest lecturers on topics that address the issues of poverty and service learning from their discipline/perspective. Required reading of The Cathedral Within thematically connect to each lecture; you will be expected not only to be attentive during lectures, but to actively participate during group discussion time following the lectures.</p>

<p>sorry to re-activate an oldish thread. But can anyone give me an idea when the OA/AA weeks and WOW are for summer of 2012? Trying to figure out summer schedule and staffing coverage for work already. I need to have an idea when DS will be moving in so I can give work dates. </p>

<p>Thanks for any ideas. I could not find the 2012 schedule on the website.</p>

<p>vlines, OA/AA are held the week immediately preceding the week that school begins. This Fall, we moved my D into her room on Aug. 13th. This also coincided with the Sorority move in for their activities as well. General students move in was the next Saturday Aug. 20th. WOW activities started on the 21st and school began on the 24th. You may be able to find the Fall 2012 calendar somewhere online, but I’m sure it will follow a virtually identical plan next year.</p>

<p>Thank you Dad2ILD…maybe I can find the start date of fall 2012 semester, and then just plan on it being the weeks before that.</p>