<p>Was anyone else invited to the Oasis Transition Program for this Fall?
If so, do you know the details, like what time on the 19th it starts and where we have to meet?
Thanks =)</p>
<p>I was invited, you have to register online @ [UF</a> OASIS REGISTRATION](<a href=“http://www.bsd.ufl.edu/OASIS/]UF”>http://www.bsd.ufl.edu/OASIS/) and attend the transition session. More info at <a href=“http://www.oasis.ufl.edu/[/url]”>http://www.oasis.ufl.edu/</a></p>
<p>Thanks. I already registered a while back though, I just can’t seem to find the specific information about it, like time and place.</p>
<p>That information will be given to you later through email days before the session.</p>
<p>I mean all they tell you is that you need to register, blah blah blah but you don’t really know much about what is going to happen in the program.</p>
<p>I e-mailed a lady asking what exactly to expect and she said on the first day it goes from like 11AM-4PM and you go through a bunch of information sessions and break-out sessions as well as free lunch. Then on the second day you get free breakfast and interact with small groups and a peer mentor. And in the afternoons for both days they have “fun little social events”. She said it will most likely be a little different though as that was what they did for the summer B session.</p>
<p>It honestly sounds like going through Preview again but I had fun at Preview so I’m mostly like going to this transition program.</p>
<p>I hope we don’t have to go to this transition program, right?</p>
<p>Honestly I will hate to go through Preview again. and all these break-out sessions make me feel stupid.</p>
<p>Thanks Analia!
I believe you can only go to it if you’re invited and you register, but there’s no obligation. I don’t think it will be exactly like preview, which at times was a tad boring but it’s a great chance to meet people.
Lr, don’t feel stupid.</p>
<p>The Oasis Transition program is <em>not</em> optional, and totally voluntary. I recommend doing it as it gives you something to do, you get to meet upperclassmen who are pretty insightful, get paired with an upperclassmen as a mentor, and there are benefits such as tutors you have access to from completing this program. Oh, and you get a gold gator pin too which is neat.</p>
<p>If you weren’t invited to do this program, you CAN apply! You should just email Dr. Gordon, expressing your interest and they will generally allow any UF student who wants to be a part of it.</p>
<p>In terms of the break out sessions, some of them were dull. Still, there are opportunities to ask MANY questions and learn about resources which normally require a bit of digging to discover.</p>