Oberlin vs. Brandeis for creative writing

<p>Can anyone tell me which creative writing program is stronger - Oberlin or Brandeis? I am particularly interested in poetry and fantasy.</p>

<p>I'm going to Oberlin for creative writing, they told me the program is ranked among the top three undergraduate programs. No idea about Brandeis.</p>

<p>can anyone tell me the benefits or negatives of attending either Oberlin or Boston Univ? for an international relations/social justice kind of student?</p>

<p>What are the other top undergraduate creative writing programs?</p>

<p>The ones I've heard about from cc are:</p>

<p>Sarah Lawrence, Middlebury, Hamilton, Kenyon, Pomona, Bard, U Iowa, Grinnell, Oberlin, Northwestern, Trinity (CT), Bennington, Amherst, Williams, Vassar, Reed, Princeton, Stanford, NYU, Tufts, Cornell
U Redlands, U Denver, Johns Hopkins, Denison, Emerson, U Oregon, UC Riverside, UC Irvine, SF State
Beloit, U Pittsburgh, SUNY New Paltz, Knox (Il)</p>
