Obviously, this is old news, but it brings up questions.

<p>Recently, the state legislature made UW accept 4,000 WA state residents. Now, UDUB says they are going to accept more than that. Out of question, is WA state now going to start offering more financial aid to the WA universities? How will this affect out of state admission rates? Will UW start accepting more out of staters? Reply si vous plait.</p>

<p>I would be extremely surprised if additional financial aid was available. The UW is on super limited funds, they’ve been raising our tuition every year, and programs have been/are being cut. It would make no sense to increase financial aid…where would the money come from?</p>

<p>Yes indeed! When the legislature allowed the universities to set their own tuition, they also added a clause that expanded financial aid for in-state students.
Here is an article by Seattle Times with all that: [Local</a> News | In Wash., more financial aid, but also more need | Seattle Times Newspaper](<a href=“http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2017376500_apwacollegetuition1stldwritethru.html]Local”>http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2017376500_apwacollegetuition1stldwritethru.html)</p>

<p>Hope it helps.</p>

<p>wow that sucks.
It makes more sense to just stop raising tuition by such a drastic amount</p>

<p>Thanks but I was also wondering about how it’s going to affect the admit rates for out of state as well.</p>

<p>“Now, UDUB says they are going to accept more than that.”</p>

<p>UDUBHUSKIES, where did you get this information?</p>

<p>According to this article: [Local</a> News | More seats opening at the UW for in-state applicants | Seattle Times Newspaper](<a href=“http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2017225913_uwfreshmen13m.html]Local”>http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2017225913_uwfreshmen13m.html)</p>

<p>“Fewer Washington students applied to the UW’s Seattle campus and more in-state students will be admitted, because of a new state requirement.”</p>


<p>“And the Legislature is requiring the UW to enroll 4,000 in-state freshmen this fall — 150 more than last year. Because not every student who’s admitted ends up going, the UW will probably admit 300 to 500 additional Washington students to be sure to make the quota, Ballinger said.”</p>

<p>I don’t think it will affect out-of-state adm significantly - UW was allowed to raise tuition, and that’s what they did. This might be why they would be able to add slots.</p>

<p>I heard about that often. This year is going to be a pretty good year for Washington state students. UW has more spaces for incoming in-state Freshmen. Fewer in-state students have applied this year. This simply means the admission rate is going to be higher than last year.</p>

<p>What’s really amazing to me is that I’ve had conversations with people who were in some pretty high-ranking administrative positions at the UW who didn’t know how to formulate basic sentences. It’s really weird for me to say this, but I got the impression that their mental acuity would have been subpar for my HS.</p>

<p>Perhaps they should fire some of these people and stop raising tuition.</p>