Occidental Admissions Blackout?

What’s up with Oxy? My kid heard next to nothing from them since the applications went out? Other colleges sent emails, letters, scarves and even phone calls. Is Oxy arrogant or just not that into applicants?

Puzzled in Boston.

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Do you mean your kid is an admitted student and hasn’t heard anything since admitted? Did they deposit by May 1? Oxy will communicate with accepted students thru their portal. Enrolled students will have to set up a school email and numerous other things to see various communications…has your kid done these things?

My kid was waitlisted. A note on April 1. Then zilch.

But beyond that they made no outreach post application. Other schools send cards, notes, brochures, scarves…just really showed a connection.

As a parent who went through the college admissions process last year - we did not receive anything from any college in the mail unless accepted. For a waitlist result I wouldn’t expect anything. We didn’t get anything from most colleges just for applying, except the occasional email. (CA family, applied to many UCs and a variety of other schools, mostly in CA)


D22 didn’t get notes, cards, scarves, etc., from any of the 13 schools to which she applied, iirc. Application received, decisions posted, welcome/waitlist instructions are about it. Maybe a “decisions will be released xxx” for schools tht had TBD dates. The admissions portal is pretty much the de facto communication vehicle. Though nothing additional was really posted there either.