<p>If the common app says my deadline is Oct. 15, is that Oct. 14, 11:59pm or Oct. 15, 11:59pm? Just in a case of an emergency...</p>
<p>what is this deadline for?</p>
<p>If you follow the "help" link on the commonapp, you should be able to get to a form where you can submit them a question. I suggest asking the commonapp people to get an official answer on this.</p>
<p>I personally wouldn't wait until the last minute, but if it does happen I think Oct. 15, 11:59pm is the deadline... but ask them anyway just to be safe.</p>
<p>And what is this deadline for, are you doing questbridge or some other type of special application? I remember the ED deadline as being Nov. 1st, and the deadline to submit the collegeboard financial aid stuff being Nov. 15 for priority...</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies.</p>
<p>Oct. 15th is the Spring transfer deadline.</p>