<p>Hi! I took my PSAT today in California and I was wondering if anyone was aware of the cutoff for California?</p>
<p>If you dont mind, can you chance me?</p>
<p>I answered all questions.</p>
<p>I feel like I got an 80 on math</p>
<p>Maybe 3-4 wrong on Critical reading</p>
<p>2-4 wrong in Writing?</p>
<p>Cutoffs are not available until next fall (Fall 2012). It appears that the cutoff this fall (2011) for California was 221, but that number almost always moves by a couple of points every year.</p>
<p>Wow that’s insane, so you’re saying this year would be like a 225? o.O wow…</p>
<p>This year could well be higher for all states, I remember when taking it that it seemed pretty easy… compared to years before.</p>
<p>Maybe it will never go down and soon in a few years cutoff is at 239 :O</p>
<p>Many of this year’s cut off increases were unusually high. Increases have typically been one or two points. This year many were three and four points. Some stay the same, and there are some decreases every year.</p>
<p>No one knows the cutoffs yet. My counselor <em>claims</em> that OK’s cutoff is 209, but that was last years… And I highly doubt that Oklahoma of all states will have a cutoff >210. </p>
<p>I can try to predict your score 
… But I didn’t take the S PSAT :/</p>