E: 32-34
M: 32-33
R: 34-36
S: 26-28
C: 31-33</p>
S:27-25(same for me I guess since I was pretty much blind during the science…)
Not half bad…</p>
E: -9
S: -12</p>
E: 21
M: 33
R: 37
S: 29
C: 30
<p>Heed him not…</p>
I think you are too generous…</p>
<p>Does anyone know the name of the website to see scores early? I seem to have forgotten it…</p>
<p>@Zed456 According to ACT, scores first start coming out Nov.11th. It’s ACTs official website: </p>
<p>From what I’ve heard it seems like they always over-estimate the date that scores are released.</p>
<p>Prediction for me:</p>
<p>English: 36 (-1)
Math: 35 (-3)
Reading: 34 (-3)
Science 34 (-2)</p>
<p>Composite: 35 </p>
<p>I don’t think -3 in math will be a 35; it will probably be a 34.</p>
<p>Predict my scores:</p>
<p>E: -12 - 10
M: - 5 - 3
R: -9 - 6
S: -8 - 6</p>
<p>Are the curves for actual ACTs better than the red book curves bc the red book curves suck</p>
<p>The curves probably are better because the tests in the red book are much easier than the actual tests being given now.</p>
<p>The typical red book curve indicates that a 38-40 raw score on reading is a 36, a 59-60 on math, a 75 on writing, and a 34-35 on science. Therefore, I’d say they’re pretty accurate, if not lenient. </p>
<p>i think this is a pretty reasonable curve to expect so use this instead of asking people:</p>
<p>36: 75
35: 73-74
34: 72
33: 71
32: 69-70
31: 68
30: 67
29: 66
28: 65</p>
<p>36: 59-60
35: 58
34: 56-57
33: 55
32: 53-54
31: 52
30: 51
29: 49-50
28: 47-48</p>
<p>36: 40
35: 39
34: 38
33: 37
32: 35-36
31: 34
30: 33
29: 32
28: 31</p>
<p>36: 39-40
35: 38
34: 37
33: 36
32: 35
31: –
30: 34
29: 33
28: 32</p>
<p>Why is it that all of the other test dates in 2014, the scores are reported 9 days after the test date, but the October test date is about 16 days after?</p>
<p>I’m done with the ACT. I realized that how I did on Saturday was probably as good as I’m going to get. I was confident in all of my answers on English, Math (except for 1 or 2), and Science, and about 3/4 reading test. I know I’ve missed two so far on Science so far after thinking about it later, but whatever. Maybe the raw score scale will be favorable, unlike the red book’s science tests. I thought the Reading was hard, but not as bad as the one in June. I’m hoping for a 33 composite.</p>
<p>Hopeful scores:</p>
<p>English : 35-36 (kind of mixed about whether this was harder or easier than usual)
Math: 34-36 (more difficult than usual)
Reading: At least 29 (reading always screws me over)
Science: At least 32 (I thought it was easy - but you really had to read the passages this time around)</p>
<p>I sure hope I didn’t make no dumb mistakes >:( I finished all the tests with around 5 minutes to spare and that has never happened to me before (on reading and science)</p>
<p>and, good luck everybody on your scores. I hope you all achieve that composite 37</p>
<p>What happens with the writing section? Do we first get the scores for the non-writing sections, and then weeks later we get the score for the writing??
And do any one knows if scores for international locations arrive later, or around the same as US locations?</p>