October 2014 ACT discussion thread

<p>11 essay. yas.</p>

<p>My scores aren’t out yet, and my status hasn’t changed to tested. For everyone on this thread still waiting: did your status change to tested? </p>

<p>Mine has not changed to tested. For those also still waiting, it is more than likely that either your testing center sent them in late or that there was an incident of cheating at your center that is being investigated.</p>

<p>It only flips to tested 10 minutes before releasing </p>

<p>Should we wait till next Wednesday?</p>

<p>no scores here. status still registered.</p>

<p>How can you be sure? Everyone that I know of in my testing center already got theirs back. I’m hoping I didn’t misbubble anything that’s causing this delay.</p>

<p>my status was already “tested” long before, after 22th,Nov but no score, yet</p>

<p>That’s directed @irlandaise‌ </p>

<p>@iwannagotocoll‌ It was meant towards those where no one from their testing center had yet received scores.</p>

<p>Oh okay lol. I’m worried because they all received theirs, and I haven’t yet. Did anyone in your testing center receive their scores yet? </p>

<p>Also, does anyone know if ACT grades tests in batches by test center, or is it just at random? </p>

<p>Per ACT, they do sheets randomly. No scores for us either and ACT is only releasing scores this Wednesday, NO FRIDAY release because of the Thanksgiving holiday. I called the admission rep for my son’s ED school and he said he would note the fact that his scores aren’t ready yet in his file and he was confident they’d have them next week. He said even first week in December would be fine. We are a less worried after hearing this information. You should contact your ED schools if you are worried too.</p>

<p>@iwannagotocoll‌ No, no one in my testing center has received scores. We’re assuming there was cheating, as that’s what happened last time.</p>

<p>I got 28 on my second time. Taking it one more yime and hoping for the best :smiley: </p>

<p>Hey, people…ACT dec date is closing in and I am out of practice tests and I am freaking out…could someone please help me with some practice tests possibly with those of jun or sep or oct 2014 or anything else??? PM me if you want to help me…Thanks in advance! </p>

<p>Hey, people…ACT dec date is closing in and I am out of practice tests and I am freaking out…could someone please help me with some practice tests possibly with those of jun or sep or oct 2014 or anything else??? PM me if you want to help me…Thanks in advance! </p>

<p>@DevonKim I’m in the US.</p>

<p>@sudeepgummadi‌ I think someone posted a thread earlier with some released ACT tests you could practice with.</p>

<p>@irlandaise‌ thanks for the info…I’ll check it out…and if you have the link can you give it to me?</p>